So, DC now has its own canon event lol
it was crazy and actually felt high stakes because DC is in a "rebirth stage".
The Flash is the best DC movie since The Dark Knight. Entertaining throughout, but some scenes hit HARD having lost both parents in recent years. Wonderful Easter eggs, and some genuine surprises that I managed to not have spoiled. The CG faces were bad but appreciated the effort.
#TheFlash #TheFlashMovie #Movies #Movie #Film #FilmReview #Cinema
#cinema #filmreview #Film #movie #Movies #TheFlashMovie #theflash
It’s a little thing I know but I’m tickled by the current Flash press tour. Ezra Miller can’t do it because of all the criming so they have given the lion’s share of those duties to Michael Shannon, still very much at his core a Chicago theatre actor who has no fucks to give.
#theflash #TheFlashMovie
It sounds like the Flash is a great movie and waiting to watch it on 16 June 2023 when it releases in theatres worldwide.
#dc #TheFlashMovie #flash #theflash
Michael Keaton, el mejor Batman #TheFlash #Batman
RT @JamesGunn
Worlds collide in the second trailer for #TheFlashMovie! (And yes, the rumors are true, the movie is unbelievably good).
#TheFlashMovie #Batman #theflash
I said it with the previous trailer, and just confirmed it with this new trailer for #TheFlashMovie one, looks promising... we'll see.
@jamesgunn super curious after watching #TheFlashMovie trailer how some characters remain and others don’t in this new “rebirth” universe. Wouldn’t Barry remember Clark and Bruce from DCEU timeline? It’s all fiction, but trying to figure it out story wise and I’m stuck. Regardless excited for what’s to come.
Just speculating here, but do you reckon the catalyst for Barry time travelling could be the death of his friend and mentor Batman?
#TheFlashMovie #TheFlash #mondaythoughts
#mondaythoughts #theflash #TheFlashMovie
The Flash movie gets some character posters. Trailer and details here
#TheFlash #TheFlashMovie #Batman #Supergirl #WorldsCollide #MichaelKeaton #SashaCalle #EzraMiller #poster #comic #DCU
#theflash #TheFlashMovie #batman #supergirl #worldscollide #michaelkeaton #sashacalle #ezramiller #poster #comic #dcu
RT @dccomics
The Flash, Batman, and Supergirl. Watch their worlds collide only in theaters June 16. #TheFlashMovie
Welcome back Batfleck! 🦇
#theflash #TheFlashMovie #batman #batfleck #benaffleck
I swear I had completely given up on this movie ever being a thing, and yet... I now can't stop thinking about this absolutely stunning trailer! Will #TheFlashMovie be the right send-off the DCEU needed?
My Batman 🥹
RT @DCComics_FR
Les réalités vont s’affronter. ⚡ The Flash, exclusivement au cinéma le 14 juin. #TheFlashMovie
RT @ShazamMovie
On June 16, worlds collide. Watch the official trailer now for The Flash – only in theaters. #TheFlashMovie
Hearing #DannyElfman’s score (1:31-1:51) gave us chills. It’s 1989 all over again. #TheFlashMovie #MichaelKeaton #YeahImBatman #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #yeahimbatman #MichaelKeaton #TheFlashMovie #dannyelfman
RT @TheModularMedia
Our #NoPrizePodcast is LIVE! Join @Boingo_Rider & @TheVacuuminator now to discuss all kinds of stuff. #SuperBowl trailers, classic #DCAU #JusticeLeague episodes and tons of new #Comics!
#Podcast #ComicBooks #TheFlashMovie #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3
#noprizepodcast #superbowl #dcau #justiceleague #comics #podcast #comicbooks #TheFlashMovie #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3
*watches Super Bowl trailer for #TheFlashMovie*
Yep, that's definitely Flashpoint but with 90s Kid nostalgia wank instead of Geoff Johns' Silver Age nostalgia wank... and hopefully zero Edgelord Murderqueens...
Still think it'll end with a Speedforce facelift...
Controversies aside, this looks really fun.
Does putting Michael Shannon in #TheFlashmovie count as fan service, nostalgia or both?
#TheFlashMovie #Trailer ist da und sieht in meinen Augen einfach grandios genial aus! 😍 Nicht nur, weil „Ich bin Batman“-Michael Keaton mit am Start ist. Ich bin hyped! ⚡️