My #necatoys Stevie Wayne (played by the smokey-voiced #adriennebarbeau) from #johncarpenter's #TheFog came in at last! She joins Captain Blake, who finally got his golden cross after 100 years...
#necatoys #adriennebarbeau #johncarpenter #TheFog #ActionFigure #COLLECTION #horror
In meiner Jugend war Super 8 schon lange out. Das hatte mich aber nicht davon abgehalten, Filme auf Zelluloid zu kaufen.
120 Meter (17 Minuten) color/ton kosteten damals 149.- DM.
#super8 #FridayThe13th #thefog #johncarpenter #jasonvorhees #steveminer #piccolofilm #freitag #freitagder13
#super8 #fridaythe13th #TheFog #johncarpenter #jasonvorhees #steveminer #piccolofilm #freitag #freitagder13
Soundtrack-Time mit #minidisc 😎
Ich liebe dieses Medium und benutze es noch heute. Diese Dinger sind auch nicht totzukriegen. Im Auto schon zigmal draufgetreten. Lebt immer noch. Schön, eine Playlist von 1993 zu hören.
#johncarpenter #enniomorricone #oliveronions #guidomauriziodeangelis #bernardherrmann
#thefog #vamosamatarcompañeros
#minidisc #johncarpenter #enniomorricone #oliveronions #guidomauriziodeangelis #bernardherrmann #TheFog #vamosamatarcompaneros
One amazing film, projected images, fog machine, lighting effects and these guys. Excellent, immersive screening of John Carpenter's The Fog at the Curzon in Clevedon #JohnCarpenter #TheFog
Indeed, this seems to be a The Fog for opera fans.
#FilmTwitter #JohnCarpenter #TheFog #Halloween
#FilmTwitter #johncarpenter #TheFog #halloween
Indeed, this seems to be a The Fog for opera fans.
#FilmTwitter #JohnCarpenter #TheFog #Halloween
Der Fliegende Holländer, a movie by Joachim Herz (1964) that testifies of the proto-film that hides in Wagner's opera. A movie to make opera accessible "for people who have a horror of it" (and people who love horror, John Carpenter's The Fog comes to mind).
#FilmTwitter #johncarpenter #TheFog #halloween