I finally watched #TheFrenchDispatch. That one hits you right in the gut.
"Maybe with good luck, we'll find what eluded us in the places we once called home."
The French Dispatch, directed by Wes Anderson.
#nowwatching #movie #firstwatch - #wesanderson #thefrenchdispatch
#TheFrenchDispatch #WesAnderson #firstwatch #movie #nowwatching
I watched Wes Anderson's The French Dispatch for the first time.
I like Anderson's music box / chocolate assortment / wunderkammer films more than most others, so it will not surprise to say I enjoyed this one.
I laughed my ass off when the frescoes were revealed.
The film is "about" loneliness, I think. The loneliness of the immigrant, the prisoner, the revolutionary, the "old maid", the reporter who is in but not of.
This theme is common in many of Anderson's films - Moonrise Kingdom is about the loneliness of children and adults, in GBH we meet a Zero whose entire family dies twice, The Life Aquatic is about making, losing, and gaining family.
#wesanderson #TheFrenchDispatch
#betterlatethannever #cinema #motionpicture #Film #WesAnderson #TheFrenchDispatch
#TheFrenchDispatch: Toll besetzt, ist der charmante Anthologiefilm mit viel Liebe zum Detail und preiswürdiger Finesse zum Leben erweckt. In vielerlei Hinsicht beeindruckend, eignet sich das nicht für alle. Unser #Kino-Tipp in der Kritik: http://treffpunkt-kritik.de/?id=2239 @french_dispatch@twitter.com
不愿剧透,我也不清楚tl上有没有#LéaSeydoux 蕾老师粉丝,但请全天下蕾老师粉丝前往影院大银幕观看#TheFrenchDispatch,并且对Wes Anderson感恩戴德(不是),反正,我看爽了,并且想二刷再爽一次
#LéaSeydoux #TheFrenchDispatch