RT @actforculture@twitter.com
“16% of the Catalan population is migrant. Why are we not on TV, radio, newspapers as storytellers and not only as testimonies? There is absolutely no concern about incorporating diversity perspectives.” ~ @BeatriceDuodu@twitter.com #AmplifyInAction #TheFutureIsYours #EuropeDay22
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/actforculture/status/1523581701254828032
#AmplifyinAction #TheFutureisYours #EuropeDay22
Ya lo hago: pago muchísimos impuestos que acaban destinándose a chorizadas "verdes" con la excusa del cambio climático.
RT @europapress@twitter.com
¿Estarías dispuesto/a a renunciar a algo en tu vida diaria para frenar el cambio climático? #TheFutureIsYours http://bit.ly/3GQiN9n
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/europapress/status/1493963670417817600
Να τα συζητήσετε απευθείας με τη Cisco και τις άλλες εταιρείες που δίνετε τα δεδομένα μας.
RT @FuturEUgr@twitter.com
❕Ο ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός της🇪🇺οφείλει να είναι βιώσιμος&αποτελεσματικός για όλους
❕Η προστασία των δεδομένων παραμένει προτεραιότητα της🇪🇺ψηφιακής πολιτικής
Μοιράσου τις σκέψεις σου εδώ:
#ΤοΜέλλονΣουΑνήκει #TheFutureisYours
By the end of 2019 we had the first meeting with the European Comission to assess whether Decidim could meet their needs
Much of our ecosystem (cities + officials, development companies, academia, activists, etc) has since worked on it, and the European Commission has invested in software improvements that benefit the whole community
We are very excited to see #TheFutureisYours launch and hope that Decidim will serve to articulate a politically powerful and engaged process