Yesterday, I was reminded of the power of music. I decided to listen to the album, The Game by Queen, and I was instantly singing to all of the songs while I was in the shower! This included the songs that weren't the hits from that album, like Dragon Attackh, Don't Try Suicide, and I Need Your Loving tonight. It's probably been over 20 years since I've listened to this album.
The first time I listened to it also came back to me as if it were yesterday. I was listening to it on a cheap cassette player in my dorm room when I was taking a summer class in 1980 at Syracuse University. #Queen #TheGame #Dragon Attack #Don'tTrySuicide #INeedYourLovingTonight #SyracuseUniveristy #HavenHall
#queen #TheGame #dragon #don #ineedyourlovingtonight #syracuseuniveristy #havenhall
#dbz #disturbed #TheGame #Music #LoveMusicHateFascism #youtube #amv
🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
The Game feat. 50 Cent:
🎵 Hate It Or Love It
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #AfternoonShow
The Game feat. 50 Cent:
🎵 Hate It or Love It
#nowplaying #AfternoonShow #TheGame #50cent
🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #AfternoonShow
The Game feat. 50 Cent:
🎵 How We Do
#nowplaying #kexp #AfternoonShow #TheGame #50cent
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #DriveTime
The Game:
🎵 Bompton
#nowplaying #Drivetime #TheGame
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TrevorNelsonsRhythmNation
The Game:
🎵 Hate It Or Love It (feat. 50 Cent)
#nowplaying #TrevorNelsonsRhythmNation #TheGame
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sChillestShow
The Game:
🎵 Hate It Or Love It (feat. 50 Cent)
#nowplaying #radio1schillestshow #bbcr1 #TheGame
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1Happy
The Game:
🎵 Hate It Or Love It (feat. 50 Cent)
#nowplaying #radio1happy #bbcr1 #TheGame
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #StreetSounds
The Game & Kanye West:
🎵 Eazy
#nowplaying #StreetSounds #TheGame #kanyewest
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio100s
50 Cent & The Game:
🎵 How We Do
#nowplaying #radio100s #bbcr1 #50cent #TheGame
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #RomeshRanganathan:ForTheLoveOfHipHop
The Game:
🎵 Hate It Or Love It (feat. 50 Cent)
#nowplaying #RomeshRanganathan #TheGame
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sChilloutAnthems
The Game:
🎵 Hate It Or Love It (feat. 50 Cent)
#nowplaying #radio1schilloutanthems #bbcr1 #TheGame
If you are reading this, it means you’re in the Game, as I am.
What is the Game ?
It is the second world we enter each time we open our smartphone, tablet, computer. Alessandro Baricco invites us to a journey through time, the last 25 years during which we got rid of the 20th century, the one before Google, Amazon, YouTube, Twitter to enter a new era that we are currently building together.
Food thoughts.
Game to read it ? 😉
#TheGame #AlessandroBaricco #mastobook #books #reading #mastolivre
#TheGame #alessandrobaricco #mastobook #books #reading #mastolivre
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #StreetSounds
The Game feat. Keyshia Cole:
🎵 Game's Pain
#nowplaying #StreetSounds #TheGame #keyshiacole
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
The Game feat. Busta Rhymes:
🎵 Like Father, Like Son
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #TheGame #BustaRhymes
On a perdu #Tracks qui était effectivement l'une des rares émissions qui valait encore le coup (la chute d' #Arte est absolument dramatique, la baisse de la qualité du contenu la propagation de #PseudoScience a grand coup d'animations digne de film de centre commercial, en fait perso je considère qu'Iels se sont dans une recherche d' #Audimat aligné•es sur le pire de TV allemande, trop souvent on dirais du #ProSieben)
Ceci dit j'aimerai quand même qu'on ne mette pas non plus l'émission sur un piédestal, je rappelle quand même qu'iels on fait une émission avec ce qui etait à l'époque la 1ère ITW TV d'Hakim Bey sans adresser sa #pedocriminalité pourtant avérée, et une émission sur #MarilynManson sans adresser ses casseroles pour #VSS .
Et ne me dites pas qu'on savait pas, on savait, on savait très bien, certains dossiers étaient sortis depuis longtemps surtout dans le cas d' #HakimBey (et de toutes façon il n'y avait qu'à lire LEURS PROPRES BOUQUINS c'est pas comme si Iels s'en étaient cachés, #TheLongHardRoadOutOfHell écris avec #NeilStrauss l'auteur de #TheGame donc un precurseurs des #AndrewTate et autres #MRA modernes est un ramassis -entre autre - de misogynie crasse et #TAZ bien que tout n'y soit pas forcément à jeter promeut clairement la #pedocriminalite )
Bref, une caution honteuse que je ne leur pardonnerai jamais.
#tracks #arte #pseudoscience #audimat #prosieben #pedocriminalite #MarilynManson #vss #hakimbey #thelonghardroadoutofhell #neilstrauss #TheGame #andrewtate #mra #taz