kinyutaka · @kinyutaka
99 followers · 1997 posts · Server

I'll say it again. is

New evidence: Named "Sam", hinted at a deep relationship 22 years prior (right around when Lois was born), ultimately not a bad person.

By the end of the series, he is going to turn on Waller, and probably die because of it.

#episode9 #myadventureswithsuperman #generalsamlane #TheGeneral

Last updated 1 year ago

kinyutaka · @kinyutaka
95 followers · 1851 posts · Server
Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server

'ger -9000 -CALBR8 .O.R.N. .E.T.H. .Know .N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E. .D.I. .A.R.V.I.S. .I.P.L.E.Y .R.A.I.N. .JamesBing .R.I.D.A.Y. (L3-37), .D.I.T.H. , .I.D.  'sComputer -4 -5 'Ger

#IRAC #computer #MuLambda165 #Magnus #tim #boss #TheAtavachron #memoryalpha #TheKalandancomputer #TheOracle #TheController #Beta5 #m #TheDoomsdayMachine #Vaal #nomad #TheGuardianofForever #EminiarVendikar #Landru #OmicronDeltaamusementparkplanet #ship #startrek #REMAK #ComputexGB #ARDVARC #BIGRAT #TheUltimateComputer #TheGeneral #eric #WOTAN #Agnes #Batcomputer #OldManInTheCave #themachine #gemini #system #alpha #TheMainframe #ExecutiveDreamer #AlarmClockRefrigeratorTelevision #hab #ANGEL1ANGEL2SolariaDCustodianSentinelEarthvoice #marvin #eddie #EarthMark2 #earth #legion #MillenniumFalconNavigationComputer #tau #ava #f #Genisys #TARSCASE #christopher #Samantha #mr #odin #b #GERTY3000 #auto #ARIIA #r #j #icarus #deepthought #e #pal #VIKI #i #vox #RedQueen #synapse #dr #Lucille #s #wittgenstein #pat #thematrix #euclid #father #Project2501 #gibson #LucyGibson #central #Charon #L7 #Zed #SpiritualSwitchboard #lucy #angela #g #max #lola #GBLX1000 #x #a7 #maxheadroom #edgar #skynet #SAL #OSGOOD #Huxley600 #WOPRJoshua #ROK #MasterControlProgram #scmods #NELL #v

Last updated 4 years ago