Well, hello world. Since I just moved to this instance, I suppose another #introduction is in order. I'm a freelance journalist, trainer, and consultant. Keywords #Marketing , #ChangeManagement , #GraphicDesign , #PR , #CopyWriting , #Hospitality , #Food , #Drinks , #eCommerce , #qCommerce , and #DigitalMedia . I love working with #StartUps and #SMEs . I'm based in #Sweden , but spend a lot of time in #Germany and the #MiddleEast .
My company is called #TheGluttonousSloth . I'm also an editor at #HappyCow . I'm plant-powered and enjoy cooking #vegan food.
#Introduction #marketing #ChangeManagement #graphicdesign #pr #copywriting #hospitality #food #drinks #ecommerce #qCommerce #digitalmedia #Startups #smes #sweden #germany #MiddleEast #TheGluttonousSloth #happycow #Vegan