Happy birthday, Robert #Redford, #BOTD in 1936. 🙏🎬🍾🎂🎉🇺🇸
#movies #TheGreatGatsby #OutOfAfrica #OurSoulsAtNight #AllThePresidentsMen #TheHorseWhisperer
#thehorsewhisperer #AllThePresidentsMen #oursoulsatnight #outofafrica #TheGreatGatsby #Movies #botd #redford
"Never read Fitzgerald? You Gatsby kidding me!" #library #fscottfitzgerald #TheGreatGatsby
#TheGreatGatsby #fscottfitzgerald #library
I’ve treated myself with a ballet production of F. Scott Fitzgerald's great novel The Great Gatsby at the national theatre tonight. With minimal scenography all focus was on dancers who were truly great! I’ve photographed the premiere few days ago but I wanted to see the show without a distraction of a viewfinder. 🩰 #Ballet #Theatre #TheGreatGatsby
#ballet #theatre #TheGreatGatsby
Daisy Buchanan’s first words in F Scott Fitzgerald's, 'The Great Gatsby', spoken to narrator Nick Carraway upon his arrival at the Buchanan residence.
I’m p-paralyzed with happiness.’ She laughed again, as if she said something very witty, and held my hand for a moment, looking up into my face, promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see. That was a way she had.
#fscottfitzgerald #TheGreatGatsby
Cameron & Daphne in #TheWhiteLotus are pure Tom & Daisy Buchanan in #TheGreatGatsby:
“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”
#TheWhiteLotus #TheGreatGatsby
I looked back at my cousin, who began to ask me questions in her low, thrilling voice. It was the kind of voice that the ear follows up and down, as if each speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again. Her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it, bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth, but there was an excitement in her voice that men who had cared for her found difficult to forget: a singing compulsion, a whispered “Listen,”....
Here is @rainwarrior sharing a credits roll with Hironobu Sakaguchi, Nobuo Uematsu, Yoshitaka Amano, Shigeru Miyamoto, Yuukichan's Papa and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Such great talent for such a small game!
#GatsbyTheGame #GatsbyNES #TheGreatGatsby #nes #gatsby
I am never going to get over being thrilled that #TheGreatGatsby is now in the public domain.