If you watched #TheGreatHack, which opens with footage from #BurningMan (typically not allowed and circulated) and asked yourself “hey how’d they get permission to shoot” …well now you know why.
Director and team behind #TheGreatHack is working on the definitive #BurningMan docuseries https://deadline.com/2023/09/burning-man-docuseries-in-the-works-rain-chaos-30-years-of-archive-1235540766/
Newly unmasked #CambridgeAnalytica affiliate #TeamJorge “black ops” group and its alleged election subversion activities in Africa extend to Kenya as politico acknowledged Telegram account hacked in lead-up to election. #DigitalColonialism #TheGreatHack https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/17/ruto-ally-says-telegram-account-was-hacked-before-kenyan-election
#CambridgeAnalytica #teamjorge #digitalcolonialism #TheGreatHack
Is there a connection between Tal Hanan’s #TeamJorge and #CambridgeAnalytica? Of course! You remember Brittany Kaiser from #TheGreatHack on Netflix, no? https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2023-02-15/ty-article-magazine/.premium/cambridge-analyticas-israeli-black-ops-team-exposed-at-last/00000186-4b78-da04-a186-7bfa41fe0000
#teamjorge #CambridgeAnalytica #TheGreatHack
@krishgm We can now clearly see how the lawsuit class was expanded to all US adults. When C4 saw the psychographic scores in the leaked Trump 2016 database, it showed that indeed all registered voters in US had an illicit psychometric score that had originated from data models that traced to Cambridge Analytica’s Facebook scandal. But only $2.50 per voter?! The UK DPA of 1998 fines would have been far higher had SCL not an insolvency shield. #DataRights #CambridgeAnalytica #TheGreatHack
#DataRights #CambridgeAnalytica #TheGreatHack
The ability for tech companies to spy on you is #TheGreatHack of the past two decades