Tomorrow, I’ll meet my friends from my childhood. We meet a few times a year to catch up and play board games.
I look forward to laughter and sharing of both memories and current situations. All around the gaming table.
I look forward to trying out The Great Split!
#WebersonSantiago illustrated Whirling Witchcraft as well as The Great Split and I met him for the first time at #Spiel22. We were both happy to see each other for the first time in real life!
#TheGreatSplit #whirlingwitchcraft #spiel22 #WebersonSantiago
#TheGreatSplit is highly enjoyable. Hach/Silva are a great design team. Plays up to 7 and it’s a keeper as a quick (teach and play in 45mins) non-party high-player count #BoardGame that focuses on the I-split-you-choose mechanism. Focused and smooth gameplay. Bonus: Weberson Santiago illustrations.