@realTuckFrumper #AgentOrange, it’s caustic, it burns, it lies it’s ass off so all you dummies at home can lose your freaking minds at the indignity of #TheHeadCrook being held accountable for orchestrating treason. Bubba* “What’s the big deal? Only winning is important.”🔥
*Apologies to some Bubbas. 🤔
@ChattJazz This is a legal system acting like most Americans the World would expect it to act. Fortunately the System was to large for #TheHeadCrook to corrupt in his 4 disastrous years trying to drive us over a cliff… Oh, he tried hard with the help of most current GOP leadership, keep that in mind for 2024, when hopefully by then he is wearing stripes.
@barb Heed the warnings people, the USA Democracy train is in the process of being hijacked by enemies of the State/Nation seeking to nullify it on behalf of #TheHeadCrook. 🤬
#TheHeadCrook is discovered with stolen Israeli Antiquities at his Lair in Florida. Anyone surprised? 🤔
@wdlindsy Today’s rogue, lawless, end justifies the means GOP politics. The end? Win at all costs They saw where a substantial % of their base went, #Trump orbit and they followed. The Joint Chiefs told Donny to stuff it in 2020 regarding Marshall Law and the Justice Dept attacking #TheHeadCrook is insufferable. A lot of them hate his guts because he is destroyed the GOP as it existed before the pestilence, but they are now tied to his bed face down serving at his pleasure. 😳
#TheHeadCrook I agree that Trump needs, the country needs to see him with the view behind bars. It’s long past due, that top leadership has avoided facing responsibility for their actions.
While it’s worrisome that the Right Wing will respond by calling for the prosecution of anyone who opposes them. 🙄
#TheHeadCrook This is not something I’d hold my breath for, but I’d be simultaneously delighted and worried about as it regarding a trigger for some kind of National upheaval. Or… there might just be a giant sigh of relief. 🤔