Going to a concert by The Hu tonight.
That's "Hu", not " Who".
It's Mongolian Folk Metal music.
Never heard any? Intrigued? Well then I invite you to check it out below. It's certainly a unique sound! :D
#TheHu #hamburg #großefreiheit36 #music
Je libo trochu mongolského heavy metalu k ranní kávě?
(Snad) pravidelné #hudebni_okenko #TheHU
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MorningShow
The HU:
🎵 Wolf Totem
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#nowplaying #morningshow #TheHu
Seeing the great success of my yesterday's thread on #EasternMetal (no #boost, no #likes, no #replies, in fact no #interaction at all), I'm here with new additions to #BeastsFromTheEast. Let's start with something more familiar.
#SadButTrue #Metallica cover by #TheHU #MetalHeads
#EasternMetal #boost #likes #replies #interaction #BeastsFromTheEast #SadButTrue #metallica #TheHu #MetalHeads
Beasts from the East.
Starting a thread with metal bands from the east to help you (and me) broaden our musical horizons. My first pick are #Mongolian #MetalHeads #TheHU.
Follow this thread to find out more and feel free to share other #MetalMusic gems (preferably not singing in English) with me.
#BeastsFromTheEast #BlackThunder
#mongolian #MetalHeads #TheHu #metalmusic #BeastsFromTheEast #BlackThunder
Kotaku: 5 Huge Games Releasing This Spring (And Music You Should Jam While Playing) https://kotaku.com/2023-video-game-releases-re4-last-jedi-indie-music-recs-1850180431 #gaming #tech #kotaku #theblockbrochure3awelcometothesoil4 #entertainment2cculture #whenthesmokeclears #thereisonlynow #residentevil4 #ashleygraham #trashisland #ipodshuffle #leviwinslow #phenomenon #laceysturm #ethangach #darkhorse #survivor #spotify #flyleaf #capcom #albums #kotaku #otyken #bratty #juicyj #thehu #zelda #songs
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #theblockbrochure3awelcometothesoil4 #entertainment2cculture #whenthesmokeclears #thereisonlynow #residentevil4 #ashleygraham #trashisland #ipodshuffle #leviwinslow #phenomenon #laceysturm #ethangach #darkhorse #survivor #spotify #flyleaf #capcom #albums #otyken #bratty #juicyj #TheHu #zelda #songs
New Musics: The HU, "Warrior Souls" (ft. William DuVall (Alice in Chains)... https://tidal.com/browse/track/267180034
Also, the video is starkly pretty:
#nowplaying #music #TheHu #Metal
🤘 #Today I listen to metal covers. 🤘
#today #SadButTrue #metallica #TheHu
The Hu (Хү en mongol) est un groupe de heavy metal formé à Oulan-Bator : instruments traditionnels, Morin khuur, chant khöömii (chant de gorge).
Leur genre musical s'appelle le «hunnu rock».
Ecoutez donc Wolf Totem, ça poutre :
Today's #tune: Triangle (Үчиртай гүрван толгой, “three sad hills”/“three dramatic characters”) from #Mongolian #FolkMetal band The #HU, because you need #МоринХүүр, electric #Товшүүр and #ХөөМий in your life
#tune #mongolian #folkmetal #hu #моринхүүр #товшүүр #хөөмий #TheHu #horseheadfiddle #tovshuur #throatsinging
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #WoPop
The HU:
🎵 The Great Chinggis Khaan
The Hu!
The Hu are are a Mongolian Folk Metal band that uses traditional instruments and throat singing.
I don't have any impressive factoids other than that. I haven't listened to them that much but I've enjoyed the singles off the last album.
Sitze komplett im Arsch im ICE Richtung zu Hause nach 3 Stunden Schlaf. Es wird später gottlos genappt!
Aber: hab gestern #TheHU live gesehen. Es war richtig gut!
They were great opening for The Hu
Ce soir c'était enfin #TheHu en live ! Incroyable performance qui est passée beaucoup trop vite. Ambiance et son au top, comme toujours au Transbo ! à Le Transbordeur https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck_2EgjI_FQ/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=
Ok, an introduction post seem a good idea.
I'm a #disabled (early onset #parkinsons) white cis-guy from the country side of the #Australia #BlueMountians with an anchistic, almost Nilist, approach to spelling and grammar
I'm a fan of #TerryPratchett #neilgaiman #douglasadams #JimButcher #BrandonSanderson and #RobinHobb books
Watch #MCU and #SuperHero movies, and look to #LinoleumKnife and #CriticallyAcclaimed podcasts for movie reviews
Spend my home days looking into #ConspiracyTheories, and highly recommend #KnowledgeFight #StuffTheyDontWantYouToKnow and #QAnonAnon podcasts for anyone trying to follow the weird alternate world pushing into reality
I relax by playing #DND (DMing at moment) and am hoping get #InvisibleSun (from #MonteCookGames), #shadowrun and several games from #kickstarter going though I have accused of #roleplayinggames just to have an excuse to be a #dicegoblin
Musicaly I'm into #NickCaveandtheBadSeeds #BabyAnimals #bjork #TheHu #faithnomore #FourPlayStringQuartet and #KimBoekbinder I like to hunt around #BandCamp for new music
Politically I'm a #progressive #Lefty with #Anachist leanings trying to support (and learn more about) #antifa #feminism #firstnations #transrights #sexworkers and other oppressed groups
I hope a good round of me. Say hi anytime, and I'll finish with hashtags that didn't fit into sentences
#daria #invaderzim #poisonelves #dredd #books #horror #comics #drwhofan #vasquez #food #Davidwong #jdate #dice #diceporn
#disabled #parkinsons #australia #bluemountians #terrypratchett #neilgaiman #douglasadams #JimButcher #brandonsanderson #robinhobb #mcu #superhero #linoleumknife #criticallyacclaimed #conspiracytheories #knowledgefight #stufftheydontwantyoutoknow #qanonanon #dnd #invisiblesun #montecookgames #shadowrun #kickstarter #roleplayinggames #dicegoblin #NickCaveandtheBadSeeds #babyanimals #bjork #TheHu #faithnomore #fourplaystringquartet #kimboekbinder #bandcamp #progressive #lefty #anachist #antifa #feminism #firstnations #transrights #sexworkers #daria #invaderzim #poisonelves #dredd #books #horror #comics #drwhofan #vasquez #food #davidwong #jdate #dice #diceporn
Darf ich vorstellen:
Samu liebt alle Menschen und würde Eure Seelen trotzdem, jederzeit für eine Handvoll Ziegi (Ziegenkäse) verkaufen 🤷♀️
Möööglicherweise ist er heimliches Bandmitglied von #TheHu. Seine Kehlkopfklänge sprechen klar dafür!
Bitte lasst hier nirgendwo Eure stinkige Schmutzwäsche rumliegen. Da steht er total drauf. Nein, auch Eure getragene Unnerbüxe räumt ihr bitte weg 🙄
#fediverse #Samu #TheHu #aufräumen #zackig #unterhosenalarm #dogsoffediverse #dogs
The Hu's new album is out now!
(Ok, the album doesn't show as released on bandcamp yet, but it does on spotify and youtube music 🤷)
#rumbleofthunder #TheHu #fediplay #NowPlaying #np