Here's a great example of how left and right all buy into the idiotic bullshit that we call "trafficking"
#FearMongering #Grifting #Clickbait #Bullshit #trafficking #StopTheHysteria #TheHysteria #Respect #Puritan #PuritanRevival #SexPhobia #SexNegative
#fearmongering #grifting #clickbait #bullshit #trafficking #StopTheHysteria #TheHysteria #respect #puritan #PuritanRevival #SexPhobia #sexnegative
You can join the US Army at 17.
You can join the British Army at 16.
Pretending that teenagers are too stupid to control their own sex lives is outrageously dumb.
#TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
So many things are far more dangerous than sex
#RespectYoungAdults #StopTheHysteria #ScienceDenial #nature #biology #BodilyAutonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#RespectYoungAdults #StopTheHysteria #sciencedenial #nature #biology #bodilyautonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
Even if we accepted the ridiculous myth that human brains are “still developing” in our mid-20s
still developing =/= mentally incompetent
#Neurology #Junk #JunkScience #Science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#neurology #junk #junkscience #science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
Even if we accepted the ridiculous myth that human brains are “still developing” in our mid-40s
still developing =/= mentally incompetent
#Neurology #Junk #JunkScience #Science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#neurology #junk #junkscience #science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
Even if we accepted the ridiculous myth that human brains are “still developing” in our mid-40s
still developing =/= mentally incompetent
#Neurology #Junk #JunkScience #Science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#neurology #junk #junkscience #science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
RT @Heather_z860
This is a case of a bad law causing harm by criminalizing harmless behavior.
#RespectYoungAdults #StopTheHysteria #ScienceDenial #nature #biology #BodilyAutonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#RespectYoungAdults #StopTheHysteria #sciencedenial #nature #biology #bodilyautonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
RT @Heather_z860
Our society celebrates prudish Neo-Puritan sex-phobia
and does it under the guise of railing against “sexualization”
#TheHysteria #StopTheHysteria #SexPhobia #puritan
RT @Heather_Cozad
You can join the US Army at 17.
You can join the British Army at 16.
Pretending that teenagers are too stupid to control their own sex lives is outrageously dumb.
#TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
Here's a quick explanation of why people started denying that teens are adults
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenager #infantilization #discrimination #bigot #hate #myth #sciencedenial #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenager #infantilization #discrimination #bigot #hate #myth #sciencedenial #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
You can join the US Army at 17.
You can join the British Army at 16.
Pretending that teenagers are too stupid to control their own sex lives is outrageously dumb.
#TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
You can join the US Army at 17.
You can join the British Army at 16.
Pretending that teenagers are too stupid to control their own sex lives is outrageously dumb.
#TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
If teenagers are children why don't pediatricians accept them as patients?
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
If teenagers are children why don't pediatricians accept them as patients?
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
RT @uwu_smol_bean
They are literally, both lawfully and developmentally not. You are wrong in many ways.
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
If teenagers are children why don't pediatricians accept them as patients?
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
growing up socially is not biologically determined
society sets the rules which speed it up or slow it down
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
Ask yourself:
When a 75 year old man jerks off is he looking at naked pics of 75 year old women?
#AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria #nature #biology #TheHysteria #Respect
#AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria #nature #biology #TheHysteria #respect
17-year-old Women are Women,
and also Underage.
Stop Lying.
Stop Spreading
Stupid Propaganda.
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
Not all minors are children.
Most people are young adults for years before their 18th birthdays.
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
RT @Heather_z860
Even if we accepted the ridiculous myth that human brains are “still developing” in our mid-40s
still developing =/= mentally incompetent
#Neurology #Junk #JunkScience #Science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#neurology #junk #junkscience #science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect