Hi @hooliganshark,

Our client or server appears to have lost your message re interest in this proposal.

To answer, it's about:

1) giving people enough bandwidth to stream audio of a decent quality,
2) limiting data use, energy consumption, and wear on disks and such,
3) allowing us to think of differently, so as to not replace physical experiences but as a system (1/2),

#28kclub #TheInternet #communication

Last updated 1 year ago

What would be like if everyone tested and designed their web experiences based on individual connections of maximum 28kbps.

So you can have multiple 28kbps connections going at once, but a server basically refuses to deliver to a client at a speed greater than 28k.

Would such an be intriguing to you?

#TheInternet #internet #InternetStandards #webstandard #LowerConsumption #SmallWeb #bandwidth #bandwidthlimiting #webdesign #ethicalweb #28kclub

Last updated 1 year ago

Chess Soul · @Old97Wreck
9 followers · 185 posts · Server todon.eu

Yes, we are happy to see a instance embracing , its called and it doesn't require Javascript.

* All we need are more people running servers! More information is available at libreserver.org

* A mayor candidate in Adelaide ran last year and they use XMPP messaging over I2P!

* Need to files,

* Need a ? Find one of I2P's translate sites.

I2P is you dreamt of.

#fediverse #i2p #epicyon #torrent #usei2p #translation #TheInternet

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon McMaster · @shannonmcmaster
93 followers · 180 posts · Server dice.camp

Just got a notice from photobucket in my email. They no longer support free accounts, and would like to offer me the opportunity to send them five bucks to reactivate my account.

"Photobucket! Photobucket! What even is photobucket‽"


Last updated 1 year ago

> While pretending to be a "" Google is allowed to monopolise large swathes of

> People try to scrape back some privacy using .

> Dot-con says no.

Stop the abuse, kill Google

#researchproject #TheInternet #invidious

Last updated 1 year ago

We recently searched something.

Every. Single. . Result… .

#search #cloudflare #sickness #TheInternet

Last updated 1 year ago

Norobiik · @Norobiik
268 followers · 4257 posts · Server noc.social

The construction of parallel US- and Chinese-backed cables between and is unprecedented. It is an early sign that global internet infrastructure could become divided over the next decade, leading to countries having to choose between Chinese-approved equipment or US-backed networks.

plans $500 million cable to rival -backed project |

#TheInternet #connectivity #us #subseainternet #china #europe #asia

Last updated 2 years ago

For the record, these banking crimes are just more . They gaslight us into thinking its only a computer glitch, (), or just this one bank, or fighting some broader threat.

No. Its and being taken over by , power-thirsty . The nature of is such that you don't know its happening under your nose.

As such we cannot lament banks dying.

If they allowed bitcoin to fix this, things would be so improved.

#proxywar #computerSaysNo #TheInternet #institutions #sociopathic #blackHats #silentwar

Last updated 2 years ago

Announcing our proposal

> Moving forward, when referring to 'the internet' append a slash and the word 'cloudFlare' like so.

"Hi Mary, have you been on the internet/cloudFlare lately."

> it can also be appended to terms '' and '' like so.

"Hi John, have you seen any quality torrent sharing sites on the clearnet/cloudFlare, or are they only on I2P?"

How can we get an RFC number?

#rfc #clearnet #clearweb #TheInternet #requestforcomments

Last updated 2 years ago

Hi @lykso, all your replies with us have become blank.

We regret that you are right about of (and pretty much all cryptocurrencies) as few services are not served via — CloudFlare being one of the worst offenders.

Having said that it is a problem with , generally. We need more systems and services online, as you mentioned .

The lack of uptake of such alternatives is a problem we need to overcome.


#centralisation #bitcoin #cageMafia #TheInternet #decentralising #ipfs #communication

Last updated 2 years ago

PSiReN-X · @PSiReN
3 followers · 697 posts · Server vmst.io
Cambionn · @Cambion
2 followers · 8 posts · Server mastodon.nl

Just went back and watched Kung Fury. Now I miss the internet of 7 years ago.

#kungfury #TheInternet #nostalgia

Last updated 2 years ago

gummyarts · @gummyarts
148 followers · 206 posts · Server socel.net

The first episode of “The IT Crowd” aired on this date in 2006.

#theitcrowd #reynholmindustries #TheInternet #baseballcards #cardart

Last updated 2 years ago

PSiReN-X · @PSiReN
3 followers · 568 posts · Server vmst.io

@mekkaokereke @EricLawton @mjausson @martin_ueding
As a secondary point its often the greatest, most motivated and brightest of who would benefit their countries the most by staying.

We instead look to the likes of the late who was motivated to place into the hands of people globally, using the tools of .

Why should one part of earth be most conducive to success?

Imagine the benefits of an developing in a place like !

#changeagents #aaronswartz #educationalmaterials #TheInternet #apple #syria

Last updated 2 years ago

Not only will we be blocking the domain from our feed. We have added a in TorBrowser with the title:

cf BLOK jan'23

We hope you join us in putting an end to the endeavors of CloudFlare on the internet.

#medium #blockmark #neocolonial #mediumDotCom #TheInternet #StopCloudflare

Last updated 2 years ago