Finally cracked 55k words with more rewrites still to add. I don't know why, but 55k feels more like a proper book length than 54k. 🤔
Let the offical edit begin! #TheJourneyman #Solarpunk
Yes I format my pages before I begin. I'm fancy like that. 😏
The idea behind #TheJourneyman is that once people learn to live in harmony with nature and stop desiring things they don't need they become free to search for their ikigai, the thing that will give their life meaning. #AmWriting #LowStakes #Solarpunk #YA
#ya #solarpunk #LowStakes #amwriting #TheJourneyman
Well, I've added every little bit I can think of and boosted as many of the solarpunk descriptions that spring to mind. She's up to 54,056 words and 198 pages. There will be some more to add I'm sure, but for now #TheJourneyman is looking very respectable indeed.
Final final FINAL changes done to #TheJourneyman and we're up to 53,679 words. That's an entire chapter replaced and numerous tweaks done to make things make more sense. Now there's just a line edit to do and it can go out to readers.
#LowStakes #Solarpunk #YA
#ya #solarpunk #LowStakes #TheJourneyman
Five A4 pages of handwritten notes for one conversation. It's fair to say this one is going to be a doozy. The most memorable and important chapter in the book, and the first one cut if they ever make a movie I'm sure. #TheJourneyman
Final final FINAL edits done and #TheJourneyman is now 53,187 words/192 pages long. I'm going to stop now as I'm just shuffling commas about. I'm proud of how it has turned out. Not my usual story but I think people will like it. 👍 #solarpunk
And that's me done. The Journeyman (or, In The Valley Of The Wind) is finished. 53,205 words. Not as many as I would have liked, but enough to tell the story. Now to get it out to readers and see what the feedback is like? #TheJourneyman #YA #Solarpunk
Final polish before I think about letting readers have a go. I caught a timeline error which was pretty bad, more than one knowing smile, and an awful lot of people elbowing each other and kissing on the tops of heads, but for the most part it's going good. #TheJourneyman
Because it amuses me to do so, I made a graph. 😁
The big chapters are full days for my MC. Breaking them up would be weird. The shorter chapters towards the end are where a lot of emotion happens. I figure the reader will need regular comfort breaks. 😭
Inserted 18 chapters into my 193 page book. Some of them are twenty pages long, and some of them are six, but all of them make sense (I hope).
I'm crying reading my own god damned book. I need to get this thing on submission real soon. #TheJourneyman #YA
Valley Town looked like someone had dropped a bag of sugar cubes, or so Kochi had been told. A relic from the Before Times, Kochi had never seen a sugar cube before, only read about them in her history books. She assumed they must be white and square, since that was how most of the town's buildings were, but she didn't think they would have been quite so big.
Turning 107 words into 250, and we're past the 53k mark. And that's not even the big conversation rewrite I have still to do. 👍 #TheJourneyman #YA
52,756 words. I should make 53k with final rewrites, but maybe not 54k. Mind you, these last changes I've done mean some more changes at the beginning so who knows? #TheJourneyman
Managed some words today. Adding a new section to my ever-so-slightly short #YA, and a new flow for a character's concept of ikigai. It's all coming together slowly, but very nicely. This book is gonna be special. #TheJourneyman
Rewrites going well, although I haven't been able to add as many words as I would like. Still, no point forcing it. Maybe once some people have read it they'll be able to tell me if it's lacking anywhere. #TheJourneyman
I'm glad to say that the prophesy was right. I looked again today and didn't hate everything I saw. In fact, I quite liked most of it.
I made changes of course, but they were all for the better.
A #solarpunk future. Inspiration for my current WIP, #TheJourneyman.
I want to see this as a Studio #Ghibli animation, with my story and characters, naturally. 😏
#ghibli #TheJourneyman #solarpunk
Over 60k would be ideal but I might not make that. To be honest I'm just chuffed I've managed to take this from a novella to a novel (albeit a short one). And it's not full of waffle either. I've added characters and storylines and it's all just made it better.