Started a puzzle game
Long intro cut scene, kinda wished it moved a bit faster
And so far I feel the narrator... Says too much?
The narration would be the perfect amount for a book or a less visual-heavy game, but as it is, it's telling me things that can be inferred from the visuals.
Puzzles are definitely solid so far
🔥 💮 Puzzlez betetako abentura koloretsua eta atsegina proposatzen du Hello Games|ekoen The Last Campfire ederrak.
Tituluaren analisi sakona prestatu digu Beñatek!
#bideojokoak #TheLastCampfire #analisia
Ook nog nooit een puzzelgame gespeeld waarin álle puzzels zo logisch zijn. Geen enkele was onoverkoombaar, geen enkele voelde als te grote horde. #TheLastCampfire
Uit- én compleetgespeeld. Heerlijk ontspannen en fraai puzzelspelletje: #TheLastCampfire.
Just finished #thelastcampfire and omg *single tear*. What a lovely game/app. Beautiful to look at, bittersweet story that resonated with my mentally wobbly brain, just-right play that was deceptively challenging at times. Can recommend! #games #iPhoneGame #app
#TheLastCampfire #games #iphonegame #app
Started playing The Last Campfire and it is a treat! Recommended. Finished the first campfire. The next campfire is for another night.
#TheLastCampfire #game #gaming #gamer
I think all #games can provide health benefits. As a transplant recipient, I specifically use #puzzles to track and exercise my critical thinking skills and memory.
#gaming #TheLastCampfire #health #HelloGames #indiegames #NintendoSwitch #pcgames
#puzzles #pcgames #nintendoswitch #indiegames #hellogames #health #TheLastCampfire #gaming #games
I started #TheLastCampfire yesterday. Absolutely adore it. This is a clip of the first interaction I had with an animal in the game. It’s like I’m 5 years old tbh. #gaming #HelloGames
I am planning on making a few videos about it on #YouTube after about a million cups of coffee. ☕️
#youtube #hellogames #gaming #TheLastCampfire
I started playing #TheLastCampfire yesterday and I absolutely adore it #HelloGames appears to have been heavily influenced by #Journey and That Sky Game. It’s quite beautiful and the first interactions with animals turned me into a five year old. 🤗 #gaming
#gaming #journey #hellogames #TheLastCampfire
I absolutely adore #TheLastCampfire. I started playing it last night. It appears to be heavily influenced by Journey and Sky: Children of the Light. Might record some videos about it for fun. 🤗 #gaming #hellogames
#hellogames #gaming #TheLastCampfire
Wer hat die deutsche Übersetzung bei #TheLastCampfire von #HelloGames verbrochen?
Die Hauptfigur und ihr "Völkchen" sind #nonbinary oder es werden zumindest #pronouns wie #theythem benutzt usw., sowohl von der Erzählstimme, als auch in den Sprechblasen.
In den Sprechblasen auf Deutsch einfach durchgehend männlich misgegendert mit "Kleiner", er/sein/ihm/ihn 🙄😠
Zum Glück kann ich gut englisch, und einfach die Textsprache umstellen, aber für andere ist das scheiße. Wars für mich auch zuerst.
#lgbtqia #lgtb #gaming #misgendern #misgendering
Who is responsible for the german translation of #TheLastCampfire by #HelloGames?
While in the english version the protagonist and their people are nonbinary or at least adressed with they/them and so on, the german texts misgender them as male and with male pronouns. 🙄😠
Lucky for me, I'm good at ze English, and just switched the text language, but for the rest this sucks big time even more, since it does for me still.
#TheLastCampfire #HelloGames #nonbinary #pronouns #theythem #lgbtqia #lgtb #gaming #misgendern #misgendering
《The Last Campfire》
遊戲類型上比較接近的,有《 Lara Croft Go》,我也很喜歡,但論療癒程度實在差太多了……
小餘燼真的好可愛好好戳喔 :ablobcall: :ablobcall: :ablobcall:
Suggerimenti per giochi nativi #Linux molto leggeri (girano sul mio mini pc fanless), ma molto ben fatti. Sono a pagamento.
[#LinuxGaming suggestions for Linux native (paid) games. Very lightweight]
#DeadCells (platform/azione):
#Overland (puzzle/strategia):
#Creaks (platform/puzzle):
#TheLastCampfire (puzzle/avventura):
#IronMarines (strartegy):
#IronMarines #TheLastCampfire #Creaks #Overland #deadcells #linuxgaming #linux
The Last Campfire was a very pleasant experience. It's vaguely about navigating the transition between life and death, and helping others do so, via exploration and solving small puzzles.
Everything is kind of cozy and homey, from the environments to the narration. The puzzles are well-crafted and not too fiddly, and a few can be skipped in each section if desired. Additionally, there are bonus journal fragments scattered everywhere.
It's not super long, progress is saved constantly, and you can get reminders about things that need doing, so it's very easy to digest in small bites.
Also, "we sail on regardless" … down the sailing … path?
This character is loaded with relatability
It's uhh… look, you did your best