The now abandoned concrete snow shed in the former town of Wellington, WA. This snow shed was built after the deadliest avalanche in US History to protect the track from future disasters. It now has a very post apocalyptic vibe. You could easily picture Joel and Ellie walking through here in #TheLastOfUs #Photography #Trains #Abandoned #SonyAlpha #PNW
#TheLastOfUs #photography #trains #abandoned #sonyalpha #pnw
In other news, I'm apparently using the day off to start HBO's #TheLastofUs. Or, uh, at least the first 30 mins, 'cause the first ep's legit 2 hours long? Dang.
And now I'm thinking too much about how, in 2003, I was in peak "what would you do in case of zombie apocalypse?" meme-thinking. I was -also- going to college in San Antonio at the time, so my survival rate would probably be, like, 50/50?
Maybe slightly better due to genre awareness.
I thought it was a given that we’d see #TheLastOfUs multiplayer at the #PlayStationShowcase last night but no sign of it 🤨 #Gaming #PlayStation
#TheLastOfUs #playstationshowcase #gaming #playstation
Just out! Follow up to the very exciting paper by @zombieflied from 2018 on behavioural manipulation by a parasitic fungus (very #TheLastOfUs).
Definitely added to my "must-read" pile!
Was mir aufgefallen ist: Der HBO Sound und auch das Serienintro bei #TheLastOfUs sind in der deutschen Synchro einen Halbton tiefer. Warum ist das so?
We saw the same with #Hogwarts #legacy, and we saw it from #TheLastofUs too. Nowadays it is no longer uncommon to see Triple A games to be broken during the day of launch itself.
#Hogwarts #legacy #TheLastOfUs #games #pcgaming #starwars #gamereview
Definitely #zelda but Gothic1 was a special category and #TheLastOfUs story deserves more than a mention imo
That moment, when you get a chance to play a video game, and decide to load up #TheLastOfUs on the PC, deciding to ignore the fact that it appears to be compiling Shaders.
This is a mistake.
Estaré jugando al #TheLastOfUs en directo por YouTube y PeerTube a la vez...
Sadly #TheLastOfUs PC is one of the worst console ports I’ve experienced in recent memory. Even after a number of patches, and running the Nvidia hotfix driver still massive hitching and I crashed after less than fifteen minutes of play.
This is after waiting thirty minutes for the shaders to build (?!?!)
After a day filled with reading hardware manuals for #msx2 and brushing up on z80 assembly (it’s #revisionparty2023 weekend!) the brain deserves a break - great wine and even greater TV. Daumn, #TheLastOfUs is effing epic! (The games were crazy good, but the series is outstanding!)
#msx2 #revisionparty2023 #TheLastOfUs
I finally watched The Last of Us (HBO) and I was quite underwhelmed.
The first 2 eps felt too much like "The Walking Dead", so we sped to the 3rd one with Nick Offerman which I quite liked (deserves all the praise).
Should I give this another 'go'? Seemed like ep 3 was an outlier to the action/adventure/"shit goes boom" stuff.
With Succession and Barry airing back to back, I have limited TV time....but I desperately want to like The Last of Us!
Ist es nun soweit?
#fungiverse #fungi #mushroom #plasticpollution #TheLastOfUs #intelligentmushrooms
Sobre la pérdida en The Last of Us: