Gaming Review: The Last Worker für Nintendo Switch im Test vorab #wired_productions #WiredProductions #TheLastWorker #ZeldaWilliams #Testberichte #JasonIsaacs #MickMcMahon #Wolf&Wood #VeniceVR #Gaming #wiredp #Oiffy #wired
#wired_productions #wiredproductions #TheLastWorker #zeldawilliams #Testberichte #JasonIsaacs #mickmcmahon #wolf #venicevr #gaming #wiredp #oiffy #wired
The Last Worker review: this dystopian satire on automated jobs rather labours its point - #Wolf&WoodInteractiveLtd; #WiredProductions #TheLastWorker #Exploration #WotIThink #Puzzle #Oiffy
#oiffy #puzzle #wotithink #exploration #TheLastWorker #wiredproductions #wolf
My last day of a short break in the French Alps. It finally snowed last night, beautifully matching EDGE magazine's new cover.
Read it to learn more about #TheLastWorker and other games coming to PlayStation VR2, the world's most advanced gaming headset.
The new EDGE - out TODAY - has an excellent #PSVR2 cover feature by Alex Spencer.
Read how my friends at Wolf & Wood have taken advantage of the hardware to make our upcoming #TheLastWorker extra special on PlayStation's next gen headset.
I also got to wax lyrical about VR as an antidote to AAA sameness and a place for new ideas.
(Playdate sold separately)
I'm proud to say that IGN's @duckvalentine calls SKEW, our upcoming #TheLastWorker spin-off for @playdate, one of the 10 Best Games on Panic's little yellow wonder.
2022 is now 💯 % complete. ♥️
The 5 best games from the Guerrilla Collective showcase 2022 - #GuerrillaCollective #BlackTowerBasement #WiredProductions #WitchStrandings #StrangeScaffold #CassetteBeasts #TheFridgeIsRed #TheLastWorker #Greedventory #Indiescovery #Nordcurrent #TinyBuild #RawFury #E32022 #Indie
#GuerrillaCollective #blacktowerbasement #wiredproductions #WitchStrandings #StrangeScaffold #CassetteBeasts #TheFridgeIsRed #TheLastWorker #Greedventory #Indiescovery #Nordcurrent #tinybuild #rawfury #E32022 #indie