LIVE 6/7/23 8:00 PM EST #REVELATIONREDPILL Ep16 : Hollywood, Satan, & End Times Movies... Join tonight's deep dive into the dark relationship between #Hollywood & modern #EndTimes theory. Did you know some of the first films to depict the #Rapture & #Tribulation were done with Alfred Hitchcock horror film techniques designed to terrify? Millions have read #HalLindsey's #TheLateGreatPlanetEarth & #TimLahaye's #LeftBehind or have seen countless cheesy movies where Christians are #ratpured & the planet devolves into chaos ending in the destruction of the earth. But what if that isn't how the story goes? What if Christians inherit the planet & are to take dominion NOW? Watch!!!👇👇👇
#REVELATIONREDPILL #Hollywood #endtimes #rapture #tribulation #hallindsey #TheLateGreatPlanetEarth #TimLahaye #LeftBehind #ratpured
2.) Never before thought of throughout Church history, this led to #HalLindsay's, #TheLateGreatPlanetEarth & #LeftBehind series. Come learn all of these different views so you can see for yourself through scripture exactly what God's view is on it all! Watch LIVE!!! 👇👇👇#postmillennial
#PostMillennial #LeftBehind #TheLateGreatPlanetEarth #HalLindsay