So, erst einmal die Katholen ärgern ... 😆
„Zur Kreuzigung?“ – Jaja.“ – „Gut, durch die Tür hinaus, linke Reihe anstellen, jeder nur ein Kreuz!“
#TheLifeOfBrian #daslebendesbrian #karfreitag
I showed [the romani ite domum scene] to a friend once, and she commented, "The scholars and scribes of Judea would have spoken Greek since before the Romans arrived, so wouldn't Latin have been easy for them to learn?" I could only respond, "I'm going to ignore your lack of a sense of humor, and instead inquire exactly what about Brian makes you think he's in any way scholarly?" (n p) #MontyPython #TheLifeOfBrian
Um das Wochenende einzuläuten:
Schwanzus Longus - Hard Style Remix
:blobcatrainbow: :blobcatrainbow: :blobcatrainbow:
#music #NowPlaying #HardStyle #electro #DasLebenDesBrian #TheLifeOfBrian #MontyPython #remix
#music #nowplaying #hardstyle #electro #DasLebenDesBrian #TheLifeOfBrian #montypython #remix