Today's source of joy: playing Palamedes Sextus in an audio recording of The Unwanted Guest with three dear friends
#voiceacting #tlt #TheLockedTomb #lockedtomb
#TheLockedTomb fandom is spoiled for talent. Here's a thread on animatics/fan vids that fans have done that deserve all the love.
Next week is going to be so busy. #TheLockedTomb short story "The Unwanted Guest" comes out, which means I have two illustrated ficlets that'll go up on AO3, and then the #PokemonViolet DLC drops.
All the Colors That a Shrimp Can See by Griselda_Gimpel - The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon th... via @ao3org
A year into the Resurrection, Alecto gives Pyrrha an interesting and peculiar suck.
#TheLockedTomb #LockedTomb #TLT #fanfiction #PyrrhaDve #AlectoTheFirst
#TheLockedTomb #LockedTomb #tlt #fanfiction #pyrrhadve #alectothefirst
For my #Jarpedon fan vid for #TheLockedTomb, I'm getting sketches for about 4 seconds of song done per day. That's not bad, but I might try to up my pace a little. Though, I've got fan fics I want to write before I have to edit my third novel. And Pokemon DLC comes out soon.
I think it says a lot that the only repeat favourite cover in #WritersCoffeeClub for the 7th was Gideon the Ninth and that came up 4 times in 3 different formats! #tlt #thelockedtomb #GideonTheNinth
#gideontheninth #TheLockedTomb #tlt #writerscoffeeclub
#DragonCon2023 fun with friends cosplaying #TheLockedTomb ! The cow costume combined with my God costume horrified fans of the books and it was amazing.
Psychometry by Griselda_Gimpel - The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir via @ao3org
Palamedes can use psychometry to know what Pyrrha Dve likes.
Set before the epilogue in Harrow the Ninth.
#TheLockedTomb #LockedTomb #TLT #CamPalPyrrha #CamPyrrha #PalPyrrha #PalamedesSextus #PyrrhaDve #CamillaHect
#TheLockedTomb #LockedTomb #tlt #campalpyrrha #campyrrha #palpyrrha #palamedessextus #pyrrhadve #camillahect
I finished the sketch for the piece of fan art of #TheLockedTomb I'm doing of #PalamedesSextus wearing an Ooo La La French Maid outfit. Will probably ink and color that one and the other one I did for TUG either tonight or tomorrow.
#TheLockedTomb #palamedessextus #theunwantedguestspoilers
17/137 sketches done for my Jarpedon fan vid.
2/3 chapters written roughly for my Alecto/Judith fic.
Which, anyone interested in betaing my Alecto/Judith fic? The fandom is #TheLockedTomb. I haven't decided on the rating yet. At least PG-13. Possibly M or E.
I cut and sewed about half a shirt while I finished listening to Harrow the Ninth. I’m emotionally wrecked, yet again, by those fucking books. This is my third bout with the series. I really prefer the audio, because the reader does the best character voices ever. It’s so immersive in a different way than reading.
The first few times, I related to Gideon Nav so hard, but this time Harrow shredded my heart. I’m not as crazy as she is, but I’ve been there too, babe. I’m so proud of myself for surviving my teens.
#tlt #TheLockedTomb
I've started writing a Judith/Alecto fic for #TheLockedTomb (alongside making my Jarpedon video, of course).
I've been wanting to write a fic where Judith gets the full Jessica Lynch treatment, and what really stuck with me when reading NtN is how the BoE treats Nona as a thing to be used because they don't realize she's the goddess in whose name they fight.
The title is "Now They Love You", and it's looking like it'll be three chapters long.
Wishful Thinking by Griselda_Gimpel - The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tam... via @ao3org
While a prisoner of war in the hands of the Blood of Eden, Judith Deuteros remembers the past.
#TheLockedTomb #LockedTomb #TLT #JudithDeuteros #JodyBeth #CaptainCrown #CoronabethTridentarius #MartaDyas
#TheLockedTomb #LockedTomb #tlt #judithdeuteros #jodybeth #captaincrown #coronabethtridentarius #martadyas
Alright! My #Jarpedon fan vid for #TheLockedTomb is plotted out. The plan is for there to be 142 unique images, with a few of those digitally created. The total number of frames will be higher, though, as images will get reused, edited, etc.
Next step is to figure out the resolution, as that will determine how many sheets of paper I will be using.
Also need to figure out if I can even do 16 images per sheet, or if 8 per sheet is the max that I can manage.
For my #TheLockedTomb fan vids, "What If God Was One of Us?" John Gaius-centric vid doesn't need to be marked as adult because despite depicting the apocalypse, there isn't any gore, so that's fine for the kiddies, apparently.
"Hand in Unloveable Hand" (for Ianthe & Naberius) gets marked as Adult due to Graphic Violence.
"Lose Yourself" (Wake x G1deon x Pyrrha) gets marked as Adult for Graphic Violence and a static shot of a sex scene showing Wake's butt.
For my #Jarpedon fan vid for #TheLockedTomb, I'm down to just needing to outline the last bit, where John and Sarpedon get together. I currently have 104 images planned, and I'm not done yet. 🤡
Atonement by Griselda_Gimpel - The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir via @ao3org
Ianthe Tridentarius and John Gaius deserve each other.
Set after Harrow the Ninth.
#fanfiction #TheLockedTomb #LockedTomb #TLT #IantheTridentarius #JohnGaius #IantheNaberius
#fanfiction #TheLockedTomb #LockedTomb #tlt #ianthetridentarius #johngaius #ianthenaberius
Hypotenuse by Griselda_Gimpel - The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir via @ao3org
Chapter 2: At the twin's birthday party, everyone plays spin-the-bottle.
#fanfiction #TheLockedTomb #TLT #LockedTomb #PalamedesSextus #IantheTridentarius #NaberiusTern #CamillaHect
#fanfiction #TheLockedTomb #tlt #LockedTomb #palamedessextus #ianthetridentarius #naberiustern #camillahect