The best puzzle games on PC in 2023 - #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #Stephen'sSausageRoll #ReturnoftheObraDinn #JigsawPuzzleDreams #TheTalosPrinciple #TheRoom4:OldSins #Patrick'sParabox #HowToSayGoodbye #MiniMotorways #TheWhiteDoor #BestestBests #Dorfromantik #Blockbuster #CtrlAltEgo #OuterWilds #WorldofGoo #TheWitness #OpusMagnum #BabaIsYou #Knotwords #TheLooker #Unpacking #Unavowed #Gorogoa #Puzzle #Portal #Inside #Indie
#indie #inside #portal #puzzle #Gorogoa #Unavowed #Unpacking #TheLooker #Knotwords #babaisyou #opusmagnum #TheWitness #WorldofGoo #OuterWilds #ctrlaltego #blockbuster #Dorfromantik #bestestbests #thewhitedoor #MiniMotorways #HowToSayGoodbye #patrick #TheRoom4 #thetalosprinciple #JigsawPuzzleDreams #ReturnoftheObraDinn #stephen #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol
Finally played The Looker. Gamer cred +1!
It's short and silly and there are probably meta jokes and references I missed but it's fun and free. Would recommend.
One more little game off my queue: #TheLooker: An absolutely outstanding parody of #TheWitness. Everything you loved about the puzzles, but in a smaller package that takes itself much less seriously, and IMO nails the flavor of comedy it is going for. (And it's free!)
This parody of The Witness is funny, fun, and free - #SubcreationStudio #Indiescovery #TheWitness #Freegames #TheLooker #Puzzle #parody #Indie
#SubcreationStudio #Indiescovery #TheWitness #freegames #TheLooker #puzzle #parody #indie