The Lounge is an interactive virtual variety series hosted by award winning polymath of stage and stream, Kate Nyx.
Think: The Carol Burnett Show, The Muppets, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Elvira, and Sonny & Cher!
Enjoy a homegrown musical variety hour from the comfort of your own home, alongside goblins, monsters & misfits from all over the world. It’s more than just #music. It’s #TheLounge! 📺✨
#music #TheLounge #livemusic #KateNyx #KateNyxTV #goblinpartybestparty
Need to catch up on the story thus far?
#music #LiveMusic #KateNyx #KateNyxTV #TheLounge #GoblinPartyBestParty
#music #livemusic #KateNyx #KateNyxTV #TheLounge #goblinpartybestparty
8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific
(Wed Sept 20 at 00:00 UTC)
(See thread for deets & trailers!)
#music #LiveMusic #KateNyx #KateNyxTV #TheLounge #GoblinPartyBestParty
#music #livemusic #KateNyx #KateNyxTV #TheLounge #goblinpartybestparty
Kate Nyx is a versatile performer who is astonishingly adept at all the many aspects of live theatre. Her current focus is The Lounge, a streaming weekly live variety & music show that happens on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern, and 23:59 GMT. (Ok, so technically Wednesdays at 00:00 GMT.)
#BestOfBirdsite #music #LiveMusic #OriginalMusic #Bandcamp #TheLounge #Twitch #VarietyShow
#bestofbirdsite #music #livemusic #originalmusic #bandcamp #TheLounge #twitch #varietyshow
Tonight, streaming live!
Tuesday June 27th at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific / Wednesday June 28th at 00:00 GMT
The Lounge
(and glockenspiel)
Join us for music and mayhem in the place that isn't a place, it's a virtual time and space!
#Twitch #Music #LiveMusic #KateNyx #TheLounge #Ukulele #Glockenspiel #TrashGoblin #Goblincore #Goblin #Gobbalin #GobbalinPartyBestParty
#twitch #music #livemusic #KateNyx #TheLounge #ukulele #glockenspiel #trashgoblin #goblincore #goblin #gobbalin #gobbalinpartybestparty
Free Chat Friday, Week 13
Happy Friday News Viewers. . . jTruly, TGIF -- will you remember where you were yesterday on March 30, 2023, the day of Trump's first indictment AND the first time a president has been indicted?
I will remember it as the day I felt a two-ton weight start to lift off my back. Since he started to campaign in 2015, there has been no escape from this man and
#FreeChatFriday #TheLounge #Featured
#freechatfriday #TheLounge #Featured
Free Chat Friday, Week 10
Happy Friday, News Viewers — This is our Free Chat for Fridays— you know the drill, feel free to share what’s going on in your world — anything goes and everything stays within reason and the bounds of civility…. Whatcha got?
#FreeChatFriday #TheLounge #Featured
#freechatfriday #TheLounge #Featured
Free Range Free Chat
Monday. Really? I mean, REALLY? I don’t care what any physicist says, I know time flies by faster as we get older. Because yesterday was Christmas and the day before Labor Day….. now it’s almost March — and let’s face it, it’s not terribly Spring like, but facts are facts and truth is truth: Spring is coming.
The Milky Way
We may feel everything is moving so fas
#FreeRangeFreeChat #TheLounge #Featured
#freerangefreechat #TheLounge #Featured
Free Chat Friday, Week 3
RIP David Crosby
Happy Friday, News Viewers, welcome to our Friday Free Chat. Today, the words of David Crosby, compressed in prose form, relevant then, relevant now. Crosby died January 18.
“Turn, turn any corner, hear, you must hear what the people say. You know there's something that's going on around here, it surely won't stand the light of day. And it ap
#FreeChatFriday #TheLounge #Featured
#freechatfriday #TheLounge #Featured
Free Range Free Chat
On 15 January 1981, music legends Diana Ross and Gladys Knight, along with the "godfather of rap", Gil Scott-Heron, joined renowned musician Stevie Wonder on stage at the National Mall in Washington, DC.
1981, singing before the crowd of 50,000 Happy Birthday Song
Happy Birthday" by Stevie Wonder in honor of MLK
You know it doesn't make much senseThere ought
#FreeRangeFreeChat #TheLounge #Featured
#freerangefreechat #TheLounge #Featured
I've been working on getting my #RaspberryPi server tuned and working better. I'm honestly amazed an how many things I can run on this little computer.
I've got:
- #HomeAssistant (Home Automation Server)
- @gotosocial (Alpha #activitypub implementation in #Go)
- #Miniflux (#RSS Feed Reader)
- #AdGuard (DNS level ad blocking and internet filtering)
- @ff3 (personal finance software)
- #TheLounge (Always-on #IRC chat client)
#raspberrypi #homeassistant #activitypub #go #miniflux #rss #adguard #TheLounge #irc
Free Chat Friday, Week 52
Welcome News Viewers to the last week of 2022 on Friday’s Free Chat. We get to say “see ya next year” while thinking of the past, future and present in the same moment. Time crunch, that's what we call this time of the year, the short period of distillation, it's 2022 but it's not; it's 2023 but almost, it's an interval during which we both reflect and anticipate
#FreeChatFriday #TheLounge #Featured
#freechatfriday #TheLounge #Featured
Free Range Free Chat
It’s another Monday as we finish out the year, the Monday after Christmas, soon to be 2023. In a year full of drama, chaos, and lightening fast changes, some things stay consistent. What, you may ask, stays consistent in this world? The fact that whatever’s going on, we’re going to have opinions and express them, hence our daily NV free chats, AND the fact that humor
#FreeRangeFreeChat #TheLounge #Featured
#freerangefreechat #TheLounge #Featured
Free Chat Friday, Week 50
Happy Friday News Viewers, welcome to the free chat zone — the rules are simple, the atmosphere is relaxed, the problems are discussed and the jokes are HILARIOUS. :-)
Here’s hoping your Christmas is shaping up to be what you want it to be; meantime, let’s talk about whatever comes up, a go-with-the-flow sensibility. To that end, fill us in — what’s going on
#FreeChatFriday #TheLounge #Featured
#freechatfriday #TheLounge #Featured
Free Chat Friday, Week 49
Happy Friday News Viewers, welcome to our Friday Free Chat on this downhill slide from 2022. IF ONLY we had something to talk about…..😁 Yes, Kidding — maybe someday we can say say, GEE, the news is such a snore, anyone heard any good jokes lately? But in the words of the boomingly handsome Aragorn, “Today is not that day…..”
It’s a day to chat, News Viewers, s
#FreeChatFriday #TheLounge #Featured
#freechatfriday #TheLounge #Featured
Free Range Free Chat
#FreeRangeFreeChat #TheLounge #Featured
#freerangefreechat #TheLounge #Featured
#TheLounge #IRC client is showing my time in UTC in #GNU #IceCat. I need to tell IceCat to show my timezone.
So it's Tuesday at 8pm Eastern and normally I'd be all TIME FOR KATE NYX AT THE LOUNGE but the current season just wrapped and now I can only wait in quiet desperation for the Generic Winter Holiday Special.
#KateNyx #TheLounge #ItsTheLounge #music #LiveMusic #LiveMusicAndMayhem #Twitch #CallingAllGoblinsMonstersAndMortals #KateNyxTV
#KateNyx #TheLounge #ItsTheLounge #music #livemusic #LiveMusicAndMayhem #twitch #CallingAllGoblinsMonstersAndMortals #KateNyxTV