Jane Turner - SFFH editor · @Jane_33South
202 followers · 403 posts · Server wandering.shop

I watched The Martian again over the weekend and have questions.

The airlock exploded and killed his plants - but he'd been growing for 6 months by then, so surely he has plenty of seed potatoes and poo to replant? Why can't he start again?

And - if the Ares 4 MAV has loads of food and supplies, why doesn't he take a week or so there to eat and get his strength back before taking off?

Don't get me wrong, it's a great film, but these are my two main questions...

#TheMartian #plotholes #why

Last updated 2 years ago

Cristian :verified: · @cristiancastellari
126 followers · 450 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Stavo per cancellare la mia iscrizione ad Audible (quando hai ascoltato tutti gli , e non è che ti restino molti titoli di ugual valore sia a livello di scrittura che di interpretazione...), quando mi sono imbattuto in questo. Ok Amazon, ben fatto! Mi hai tenuto per un altro mese 😅


#Dune #TheMartian #expanse

Last updated 2 years ago

Asier Iturralde :ahobizi: · @aldatsa
511 followers · 5137 posts · Server mastodon.eus

Andy Weir-en ​ren erdia edo irakurri dut eta interesgarria dago. gustatu baldin bazitzaizuen .

#ProjectHailMary #TheMartian #dagomendat #zientziafikzioa

Last updated 3 years ago