Riguardo AT, Ward ha rinunciato alla guida del progetto a metà della sua durata (non so i dettagli), ma il team di Adam Muto e compagnia ha saputo narrare una storia folle –con alti e bassi– che mi è rimasta nel cuore.
Il suo altro progetto molto famoso, per Netflix, è #TheMidnightGospel, ma è... un po' troppo, per i miei gusti.
Preferisco le sue creazioni più spensierate come #BravestWarriors.
Il mio avatar, in conclusione, è un gesto di amore nei confronti di questo piccolo grande artista.
#TheMidnightGospel #BravestWarriors
Be proud of what you have.
Commission- 10 slots
#TheMidnightGospel #clancygilroy
Clancy inviting your for a good time.
#TheMidnightGospel #ClancyGilroy
#TheMidnightGospel #clancygilroy
So, #christmas is almost here, and I'm looking for people who would be willing to draw #requests for me for that day.
Main fandoms:
If anyone would wants to draw something for me, please reply.
#christmas #requests #tawog #okko #otgw #klonoa #sonic #eene #pnf #mml #ppg #calvinandhobbes #clarence #stevenuniverse #bobsburgers #thesimpsons #TheMidnightGospel #tlh #gravityfalls #professorlayton #adventuretime #warioware #campcamp #rickandmorty #undertale #finalspace #earthbound #victorandvalentino
I'm quite upset that the entire fediverse wasn't singing the praises of The Midnight Gospel since April when it came out. But speaking from NYC, there was a lot more going on in April that needed our attention. Anyway, it's a show you can watch with drugs or not; it's going to melt your mind either way :-P
#TheMidnightGospel #animation
Has anyone watched the Netflix series The Midnight Gospel yet? I have, and it's really good! I especially enjoyed the main character, Clancy. Speaking of which, is anyone willing to take a drawing request featuring Clancy?
#themidnightgospel #clancygilroy #request #requests #artrequests #art
#TheMidnightGospel #clancygilroy #request #requests #artrequests #art
My weekly roundup of #animation news, reviews, and articles is out!
Featuring @TommeyPinkiemonkey, @Quiralta, @alisa, & @ScribbleAddict
#AGoofyMovie #HarpyGee #KeepYourHandsOffEizouken #TheMidnightGospel #TheWillougbys
#animation #agoofymovie #HarpyGee #KeepYourHandsOffEizouken #TheMidnightGospel #TheWillougbys