Note: In the #DudleyMoore and the Musical #Dalek episode of #TheMuppetShow, #Gonzo does a bit wherein he attempts to defuse a bomb while reciting the works of #PercyByssheShelley.
Yes, THAT Shelley, friend of #LordByron (defender of the #Luddites) and husband of #MaryShelley (author of the novel #Frankenstein).
Never let it be said that an advanced degree in literature is pointless.
#LabourHistory #PopCulture
#popculture #labourhistory #frankenstein #maryshelley #luddites #lordbyron #percybyssheshelley #gonzo #TheMuppetShow #dalek #dudleymoore
Dr. Teeth & the Electric Mayhem To Star in MUPPET MAYHEM
"Muppet Mayhem", starring Lilly Singh, Tahj Mowry, Saara Chaudry, & Anders Holm, tells how Electric Mayhem record their first album.
#ScienceFiction/Fantasy #DisneyPlus #DrTeeth&theElectricMayhem #JimHenson #TheMuppetShow
#sciencefiction #disneyplus #drteeth #jimhenson #TheMuppetShow
Always worth dusting off for another look:
#music #TheMuppetShow #mahnamahna
Tonight in 1974 — #TheMuppetsValentineShow aired on ABC.
It was the first of two pilots for the iconic series #TheMuppetShow!
#OnThisDay ##TheMuppets #ClassicTV #1970s #1970sTV #KermitTheFrog #JimHenson
#jimhenson #kermitthefrog #1970stv #1970s #classictv #themuppets #onthisday #TheMuppetShow #themuppetsvalentineshow
Been reading this book and I would LOVE a History of the Muppet Show series or documentary on Disney+ #Muppets #MuppetShow #TheMuppetShow
#muppets #muppetshow #TheMuppetShow
#music #ritamoreno #TheMuppetShow
If you know this show. You now have the tune stuck in your head. My job is done. #TheMuppetShow
Got some very cool #Christmas gifts! A book on the making of #TheMuppetShow
Debbie Harry and Kermit the Frog sing Rainbow Connection on The Muppet Show, 1980.
#DebbieHarry #KermitTheFrog #RainbowConnection #TheMuppetShow
#debbieharry #kermitthefrog #rainbowconnection #TheMuppetShow
@Em0nM4stodon @jerry I love this but when I see the instance name my brain goes to #TheMuppetShow Pigs in Space
We’re watching #themuppetshow in broadcast order, and you know what is a really underrated Muppet act? The all-baby orchestra.
We’re watching #themuppetshow in broadcast order, and you know what is a really underrated Muppet act? The all-baby orchestra.
#NewsRadio - Funny, quirky, and willing to go truly absurd
#TheMuppetShow - Creative, full of innuendo, easily excitable
I'm not a sports person, but the #GoldenStateWarriors have been an extraordinary team—before their current road slump, a rough way to return from a championship season—and when I used to live in #SanJose, the radio broadcasts of their games in my headphones helped me fight off #misophonia triggers. I sometimes suffer from misophonia. The sounds of the #Dubs, Tim Roye, Tom Tolbert, and Jim Barnett helped me overcome it.
Jim Barnett amuses me. He sounds like a less nasal Pops from #TheMuppetShow.
#goldenstatewarriors #sanjose #misophonia #dubs #TheMuppetShow
So we finally got #DisneyPlus. But I'm not excited about it because of the animated #Disney movies, #Marvel, or #Star Wars. But because they've got #TheMuppetShow .
#disneyplus #disney #marvel #star #TheMuppetShow