NNY Liberty · @NNYLiberty
336 followers · 13993 posts · Server liberdon.com

was originally called “” founded by , a white supremacist eugenicist who believed Black babies needed to be killed to preserve the white race.

The ruling was a continuation of that program.

But y’all “pro Black” tho.

#plannedparenthood #TheNegroProject #margaretsanger #roevswade

Last updated 2 years ago

NNY Liberty · @NNYLiberty
335 followers · 14000 posts · Server liberdon.com

was originally called “” founded by , a white supremacist eugenicist who believed Black babies needed to be killed to preserve the white race.

The ruling was a continuation of that program.

But y’all “pro Black” tho.

#plannedparenthood #TheNegroProject #margaretsanger #roevswade

Last updated 2 years ago