Heute neu: Staffel 2 von The Newsreader bei ABC TV #TheNewsreader #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#TheNewsreader #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
Heute neu: The Newsreader bei arte #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay #TheNewsreader
#TheNewsreader #PlayByDay #HeuteNeu
RT @BridgetOnTV
So glad I once again listened to a @jowrotethis recommendation and watched #TheNewsreader on @TheRokuChannel. I very much enjoyed it and not only was Anna Torv fantastic (duh), but all the performances were great. Really hoping we get/looking forward to a Season 2. https://twitter.com/jowrotethis/status/1618077951106617347
Streamingtipp: Die Newsreader auf arte.tv #Streamingtipp #TheNewsreader
看完了#TheNewsreader 第一季,Dale是什么babygirl小可爱啊阿啊,还是个妈宝男,从来没想过我会觉得妈宝男可爱:blobcatcry:
Estamos vendo #TheNewsreader (imos pola metade) e está moi guai, unha miniserie sobre a redacción dunha tv australiana nos 80.