"Nothing is more important to a democracy than a well-informed electorate."
"لا يوجد شيء أكثر أهمية لتحقيق الديمقراطية من وجود ناخب مطلع بشكل جيد."
I dreamed of being hugged like this by Will McAvoy. A tight, warm, protective embrace and remember waking up thinking it felt wonderful.#theNewsroom #WillandMackenzie #dreaming
#dreaming #willandmackenzie #TheNewsroom
Look at them and all they are saying without words. #TheNewsroom #WillandMac
📺 #TV -
Not too much of a tv/mini-series watcher. Selective on what holds my attention for seasons on end.
#StargateSG1 #LoveDeathAndRobots #StarTrekTNG #TheNewsroom #TheMist #TheITCrowd
#theitcrowd #themist #TheNewsroom #startrektng #lovedeathandrobots #stargatesg1 #tv
Chapter ten is available. Fic: Double play. #TheNewsroom #WillandMackenzie #fanfiction
#fanfiction #willandmackenzie #TheNewsroom
Chapter ten is available. Fic: Double play. #TheNewsroom #WillandMackenzie #fanfiction
#fanfiction #willandmackenzie #TheNewsroom
#TheNewsroom How I love these two. Pants are hard for him. #WillMcAvoy #MackenzieMcHale
#mackenziemchale #willmcavoy #TheNewsroom
Never seen this short of #emilymortimer from Ch4 News before.
Yes, I have fallen down a #TheNewsroom rabbit hole on YouTube. I have no regrets.
Never seen this short of #emilymortimer from Ch4 News before.
Yes, I have fallen down a #TheNewsroom rabbit hole on YouTube. I have no regrets.
Just found this gorgeous #WillxMac edit on YouTube
Will & Mackenzie | Exile [#TheNewsroom ] https://youtu.be/AHuQi7Ifrtw
Just found this gorgeous #WillxMac edit on YouTube
Will & Mackenzie | Exile [#TheNewsroom ] https://youtu.be/AHuQi7Ifrtw
Well, after that result, it seems appropriate to resurrect this gif from #TheNewsroom
#mackenziemchale #willmcavoy #engusa #qatar2022 #worldcup #TheNewsroom
These two, this ship, they make me so happy. They’ve become comfort characters. I absolutely love this ship. #TheNewsroom #WillMcAvoy #MackenzieMcHale #mysjip
#mysjip #mackenziemchale #willmcavoy #TheNewsroom
Time for another Whirligig read. Another masterpiece. #TheNewsroom #fanfiction #Will&Mackenzie
#will #fanfiction #TheNewsroom
I'm 3 episodes in on SO HELP ME TODD (2022 CBS/Paramount+), and I really like it.
Though it being set in Portland and the relationship between the two feels a bit like it's about me.
I dug Skylar Astin in Ground Floor (2015) and Marcia Gay Harden from Trophy Wife (2014) and The Newsroom (2013-2014)
#cosotv #sohelpmetodd #cbs #paramountplus #SkylarAstin #trophywife #groundfloor
#thenewsroom #MarciaGayHarden
#marciagayharden #TheNewsroom #groundfloor #trophywife #skylarastin #ParamountPlus #cbs #sohelpmetodd #cosotv
Reading: To you my dear I wish no harm. Yes I’m reading it for the, well I don’t know how many times I read it. I don’t care. It is just so good. #TheNewsroom #fanfiction
every once in a while, something happens in the USA that reminds me of this opening scene of #TheNewsroom (great A. Sorkin sow by the way) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIpKfw17-yY