I can't wait. #TheOatmeal is one of the good things of the internet. There are many, but the feel like they are getting fewer. @dog_rates is another one https://theoatmeal.com/blog/good_vs_evil
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/karmel80/status/1687563695071621121
Not as hard as it may seem at first…
A Little Wordy #6 🎨📏✅ 87% https://theoatmeal.com/wordy?date=04-22-23
Quite enjoying wordy https://theoatmeal.com/wordy from #TheOatmeal partly because I know it's not going to swamp my feed as a) lots of people don't seem to get it and b) it's only going top there for a month
Harder than it looks!
A Little Wordy #1 🎨📏❌✅ 83% https://theoatmeal.com/wordy?date=04-17-23
8 years ago, one of those occasions where we all lost our shit. #TheDress #TheOatmeal
Me sentí identificado con la imagen
Fuente: https://frikiverse.zone/@oatmeal@mastodon.social/109729767940122612 por @oatmeal
Tried #theoatmeal comic generator today. Thought this one was pretty good!
@oatmeal made this amazing Horrible Therapist Comic Generator and I can't stop making terrible comics now: https://theoatmeal.com/pages/horrible_therapist?q=q_kanye_concert&a=a_stuck_up_butt&t=t_drums_badumtss…
#comicstrip #edsheeran #theoatmeal
#comicstrip #edsheeran #TheOatmeal
The Oatmeal comic creator is now here @oatmeal!! Yay! His comics are the best.
#Comics #Cats #TheOatmeal
I’m so glad and excited I found this platform thanks to seeing a post by #TheOatmeal. I will no longer support a platform that would not hold their users accountable for their hate speech and actions. Would appreciate a follow. I will follow back. #newhere
Si queréis pasar un buen rato mirad este vídeo de #TheOatmeal explicando que los cangrejos mandan en el universo y que el resto de dioses son todos falsos
Á miña filla agasalláronlle isto polo seu aniversario e agora cando os veciños chaman á policía veñen directamente os GEOs #ThrowThrowBurrito #TheOatmeal
Non apto para corazóns febles.
#ThrowThrowBurrito #TheOatmeal
En estos días llenos de Schadenfreude en los que Twitter se está inmolando y Facebook ha esfumado buena parte de su valor me resulta imposible no acordarme de este cómic de #TheOatmeal.