RT @MadamPratolungo@twitter.com
Come to a screening of the @TheOilMachine@twitter.com on Friday 17 Feb at #Exeter Climate Hub and join me and @JamesGDyke@twitter.com in the discussion on how we can break our addiction to oil. Booking essential http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/film-oil-machine-tickets-518272405717 #TheOilMachine
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MadamPratolungo/status/1615676979377852423
At screening of #theoilmachine film about UK’s entanglement with fossil fuels. At Cinema City in Norwich part of Picturehouses now sponsored by oil company INEOS which Culturw Unstained has condemned. #outeos
RT @TheOilMachine@twitter.com
"If we're going to get through this century and those that follow, it will be in large part because of the brave actions of activists such as those now being sent to prison."
—@GeorgeMonbiot@twitter.com's intro to last night's #TheOilMachine online screening.
In full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_kTl3fwaMg
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheOilMachine/status/1600449344549064704
RT @TheOilMachine
"If we're going to get through this century and those that follow, it will be in large part because of the brave actions of activists such as those now being sent to prison."
—@GeorgeMonbiot's intro to last night's #TheOilMachine online screening.
In full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_kTl3fwaMg
RT @GreenRupertRead: Exciting news: On Dec 12th my short, #OutOfTheAshes, will be screened @CinemaCityNrw before the new film #TheOilMachine. I'll also be joining the panel discussion afterwards. Book now!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/GinaDowding/status/1593680954417188868
#OutOfTheAshes #TheOilMachine #Norwich
RT @TheOilMachine@twitter.com
Tonight, After #TheOilMachine, an audience member who identified as oil company employee pointed out that there was a role to play for their industry in transitioning to renewables.
@TessaKhan@twitter.com’s reply: “It’s very rarely the incumbent industry that disrupts itself.”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheOilMachine/status/1590116190248394752
In theory the #oilandgas industry can be a part of the transition. In practice they're doubling down on #Oil and #Gas. Beautifully put in this video 🎥👇 #climate
RT @TheOilMachine@twitter.com
Tonight, After #TheOilMachine, an audience member who identified as oil company employee pointed out that there was a role to play for their industry in transitioning to renewables.
@TessaKhan@twitter.com’s reply: “It’s very rarely the incumbent industry that disrupts itself.”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheOilMachine/status/1590116190248394752
#oilandgas #oil #gas #climate #TheOilMachine