Everybody snuggle up with your favorite Tribble! Our recap and discussion of #StarTrek #TheOriginalSeries Season 2 Episode 15 - The Trouble with Tribbles drops Tuesday for Patrons (patreon.com/humanisttrek) and Thursday for Cadets (humanisttrek.com)! See you ... out there!
@darrelplant @nyrath
I wager 10,000 Quatloos that Sargon, Thalassa, and Henoch would have been a more apt trio to illustrate the mind enduring long periods of lassitude.
#stattrek #TheOriginalSeries #returntotomorrow
So gerade die DVD Komplettbox #StarTrek #Voyager für 40€ inklusive Versand geschossen
Jetzt fehlen in der Sammlung nur noch #TheOriginalSeries, #TheAnimatedSeries und die neuen Serien wie #Picard, #Discovery, #Lowerdecks und #Prodigy.
Halbzeit in Sicht...
#prodigy #lowerdecks #discovery #picard #theanimatedseries #TheOriginalSeries #voyager #startrek
I've been on a chronological #StarTrek binge for a few months now. I was procrastinating reaching #TheOriginalSeries and, frankly, it wasn't a fun experience. The very first episode was *phenomenally* misogynistic, and it didn't get any better as time went on (the very last episode of TOS should never have existed).
But I've powered through it, and now I'm into one of my favourite eras - #TheMotionPicture #TMP era.
#startrek #TheOriginalSeries #themotionpicture #tmp
#startrek #tribbles #startrektos #TheOriginalSeries
I'm on the final #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorlds episode - Balance of T- I mean, A Quality of Mercy. I remember liking this one!
I am NOT looking forward to the disorientating jump in VFX and acting quality that's about to take place as I move on to #TheOriginalSeries, though. The move from #Enterprise to #Discovery was strange enough!
#startrek #strangenewworlds #TheOriginalSeries #enterprise #discovery
What’s the difference between justice and revenge? What does Kodos “The Executioner” deserve for his crimes? Did he have good intentions-and does that even matter?
Join us for our recap and discussion of #StarTrek #TheOriginalSeries “The Conscience of the King” at http://humanisttrek.com or wherever you replicate your podcasts!
RT @miri_plt@twitter.com
#startrek #TheOriginalSeries #tvshow
RT @miri_plt
#tvshow #TheOriginalSeries #startrek
I clearly remember seeing Star Trek TOS: Amok Time when I was in Junior High School. I had a profound adolescent revelation about my newly acquired aggressive behavior.
And why my home room teacher, a nun, looked like T'Pau.
#StarTrek #Humor #Spock #Kirk #StrangeNewWorlds #TheOriginalSeries
#startrek #Humor #spock #kirk #strangenewworlds #TheOriginalSeries
What kind of nerd?
When I saw T’Pring on ST:SNW, all I could hear was the combat music from TOS.
#StarTrek #Humor #Spock #Kirk #StrangeNewWorlds #TheOriginalSeries
#TheOriginalSeries #StrangeNewWorlds #kirk #spock #Humor #startrek
This week's episode asks the question: What's an alternative to imprisonment for the criminally insane look like, and, supposing that a treatment were available, would we require consent? It's #StarTrek #TheOriginalSeries Season 1 episode "Dagger of the Mind". #ListenNow @ humanisttrek.com 🖖🏿
#startrek #TheOriginalSeries #listennow
Although I started to like #StarTrek: #LowerDecks towards the end of the season 3, I have really fallen for #Prodigy.
The latest episode of Prodigy sorta lampshades #TheOriginalSeries, especially the mannerisms of James T and the so called "Trek Shake".
#startrek #lowerdecks #prodigy #TheOriginalSeries
#TodayILearned that the "it's green" line from Data in the scene where he poured a glass of #AldebaranWhisky for #Scotty in the #StarTrekTheNextGeneration's episode "Relics", is actually a throwback to #MontgomeryScott himself saying that about a drink on #StarTrek #TheOriginalSeries: https://youtu.be/YQAG0JEb718
#todayilearned #AldebaranWhisky #scotty #startrekthenextgeneration #MontgomeryScott #startrek #TheOriginalSeries