I've watched #TheOutfit and if you have not, please give it a try.
What an incredible #drama #movie.
The entire movie is filmed in a #TrailorShop, but that doesn't mean that the #acting is bad. Is completely the opposite #actors / #actress with some #props and good acting #skills.
I #wish that there were more #movies giving more importance to actors and #actresses acting and less on #VFX.
Remember: No one stops to #think what is happening #inside of a tailor's #mind.
#TheOutfit #drama #movie #trailorshop #acting #actors #actress #props #skills #wish #movies #actresses #vfx #think #inside #mind
John Flynn's #film #TheOutfit is solid as a rock. A recommendation for anyone like me who appreciates 1970s crime movies. With scene stealer #JoeDonBaker, who had striking appearances in #CharleyVarrick and #WalkingTall in the same year. I would have liked to see Baker in more and better movies than he was ultimately in.
#film #TheOutfit #joedonbaker #charleyvarrick #walkingtall
#TheOutfit #套装 ★★★★★
一部精致的话剧式电影。人物,旁白,身世,事件演进……都在一个精密的节奏里同时铺开。所有的动力和张力都源于角色心理变化,以及情绪的付诸行动。因为台词和行动配合之自然,这部甚至可以当成一部心理剧来评估每个人物的人格水平。终极复仇是与自己和解后再度踏入黑暗。 https://t.co/ng4kJ0oXwE
Giovedi #29Dicembre 2022 #SkyCinema, #TheOutfit
@NOWTV_It @SkyItalia
#29dicembre #skycinema #TheOutfit
@I_BrandonSawyer @williambibbiani @SaltiredPopcorn @williambibbiani For me it's Chloe Okuno's #Watcher and Graham Moore's #TheOutfit.
Si può fare un film giallo di mafia tutto chiuso dentro una sartoria?
Si può.
#TheOutfit – VERBRECHEN NACH MASS: Handwerklich minutiös umgesetzt, überzeugen die tollen Dialoge des stark gespielten Kammerspiels ebenso wie die Atmosphäre. Für ein Publikum, das auf ruhige Krimiunterhaltung aus ist. Unsere Kritik: http://treffpunkt-kritik.de/?id=2331 @TheOutfitMovie@twitter.com
Yesterday, we watched #TheOutfit, a surprisingly exciting #ChamberGame. It's a #thriller beyond the #Zeitgeist, a rather quiet #movie full of small allusions and with a surprisingly violent escalation. It reminded me of #Bound. I recommend it if you like #hardboiled #noir #neonoir stories.
#TheOutfit #ChamberGame #Thriller #zeitgeist #movie #Bound #hardboiled #noir #neonoir #movies
Ab heute im #Kino: #TheOutfit – VERBRECHEN NACH MASS. Das atmosphärische Gangsterkammerspiel ist nicht nur mit #MarkRylance im Zentrum fantastisch besetzt. Die Dialoge sind geschliffen, die Umsetzung makellos. Eine Genre-Perle. Zur #Review: http://treffpunkt-kritik.de/?id=2331 @TheOutfitMovie@twitter.com
#review #markrylance #TheOutfit #kino
In #TheOutfit – VERBRECHEN NACH MASS sehen sich #MarkRylance und @zoeydeutch@twitter.com unter anderem den Gangstern @JohnnyFlynnHQ@twitter.com und @dylanobrien@twitter.com gegenüber, die ein kompromittierendes Tonband suchen. Unsere Kritik zum Film-Tipp: http://treffpunkt-kritik.de/?id=2331 @TheOutfitMovie@twitter.com
Eine neue Kritik ist eingetroffen zu #TheOutfit – VERBRECHEN NACH MASS, dem sehenswerten Gangsterkrimi mit #MarkRylance, @zoeydeutch@twitter.com, @JohnnyFlynnHQ@twitter.com und @dylanobrien@twitter.com. Unsere Kritik zum Film-Tipp gibt's hier: http://goo.gl/pxuo @TheOutfitMovie@twitter.com