Carl D. Patterson · @carldpatterson
7 followers · 48 posts · Server

"One of the things that used to make me laugh most about my marvellous and clever mother-in-law, and believe me there were quite literally hundreds, was that she refused to believe that Dame Edna Everage and Les Patterson were A) the same person, and B) fictional characters. It didn't matter what we said or how we said it, she was having none of it. And my God, did she hate Les Patterson."

#ThePantherInMyKitchen #BRIANBLESSED #DameEdna #SirLesPatterson #barryhumphries

Last updated 2 years ago

Carl D. Patterson · @carldpatterson
7 followers · 48 posts · Server

Stanley Kubrick wanted Brian Blessed to play a short gay man in Barry Lyndon.

Brian, at 6 foot, is not short and he is also the very epitome of masculine virility.

#ThePantherInMyKitchen #BRIANBLESSED #book #StanleyKubrick

Last updated 2 years ago

Carl D. Patterson · @carldpatterson
7 followers · 48 posts · Server

"The ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, once said, 'Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.'"

#ThePantherInMyKitchen #BRIANBLESSED #book #LaoTzu #quote

Last updated 2 years ago