But besides #TheQuietus I've published a few more specific things. One was last year at #Pitchfork, looking back at _Ultra_ after 25 years. What an album, then and now #DepecheMode #music https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/depeche-mode-ultra/
#TheQuietus #Pitchfork #DepecheMode #music
So hey! I'd like to thank everyone for the kind comments yesterday about my #DepecheMode anniversary piece on #ConstructionTimeAgain in #TheQuietus -- much appreciated indeed. Relinking here but also what I'd like to do is start up a thread of my other DM pieces in recent years -- almost, but not all, for tQ. You might like those as well! #music https://thequietus.com/articles/33308-depeche-mode-construction-time-again-review
#DepecheMode #constructiontimeagain #TheQuietus #music
My latest piece for #TheQuietus is live! Looking back on the album that, forty years ago, didn't invent industrial #music, no, but it sure as hell invented industrial pop. Happy anniversary, #ConstructionTimeAgain by #DepecheMode. https://thequietus.com/articles/33308-depeche-mode-construction-time-again-review
#TheQuietus #music #constructiontimeagain #DepecheMode
The Quietus | The Only Goth In The Village: Rachel Goswell's Favourite Albums https://thequietus.com/articles/33300-slowdive-rachel-goswell-interview-favourite-music?page=2
'And there are funny stories that are linked to Johnny Marr later in life after Slowdive split up. Neil used to have a blonde 12-string Rickenbacker and he had to flog it to a pawnshop in London. And who bought it? Johnny Marr went in and bought this 12-string Rickenbacker. It was still in the case and it had ‘Slowdive’ written on it.
I was at a mutual friend's birthday party a few years ago. Johnny had come to see Mojave 3 a couple of times over the years, but it was only at this friend's party that I really spoke to him in depth. I think we were the first people to arrive, so we were chatting and talking a little bit about Slowdive, and I talked to him about my love of The Smiths. Then he mentioned this Rickenbacker, and he said, ‘Didn’t you used to have blonde 12-string Rickenbacker?’ I said, ‘Yeah’ and he said, ‘I bought that for my son!’
I checked with Neil and he was like, ‘Yeah, I did have to flog it to a pawnshop for money.’ Johnny's just released his book about his guitar stories about his guitars and that guitar is in it! That’s quite cool story really.'
#RachelGoswell #Slowdive #JohnnyMarr #MarrsGuitars #Rickenbacker #TheQuietus
#rachelgoswell #slowdive #johnnymarr #marrsguitars #rickenbacker #TheQuietus
Mark Linkous Remembered By The Artists Who Knew Him https://thequietus.com/articles/33298-sparklehorse-david-lynch-steve-albini
'Ahead of the release of the posthumous Sparklehorse album, Bird Machine, David Lynch, Steve Albini, John Parish, Angela Faye Martin and Jason Lytle talk to Brian Coney about the rewarding and often joyful experience of working and being friends with Mark Linkous.'
#Sparklehorse #DavidLynch #MarkLinkous #SteveAlbini #JohnParish #AngelaFayeMartin #BirdMachine #JasonLytle #TheQuietus
#sparklehorse #davidlynch #marklinkous #SteveAlbini #johnparish #angelafayemartin #birdmachine #jasonlytle #TheQuietus
Meantime some brighter #music news -- my latest piece for #TheQuietus has run and it was an absolute delight to chat with the very great #TakiayaReed of #DivideAndDissolve about some of her favorite artists and albums. https://thequietus.com/articles/33145-takiaya-reed-divide-and-dissolve-bakers-dozen
#music #TheQuietus #takiayareed #divideanddissolve
The Quietus have come in with their top 100 of the year so far. A couple I think are definitely missing but mainly it's superb with enough new stuff to keep me going for a bit.
The no.1 is an album I've listened to and loved but need to spend a bit more time with - am sure it'll be high in my end of year list regardless.
Wow, muziekplatform #TheQuietus (niet op masto) publiceert vandaag een Top 100 van de beste albums uit de eerste helft van 2023. Ik heb nog best wat huiswerk te doen.
Sigur Rós Share First Single In Seven Years, 'Blóðberg'
#sigurros #musictips #Music #TheQuietus
#RIP #Mark Stewart Ben je helemaal onbekend met het werk van de briljante anarcho-lawaaimaker? Weblog #TheQuietus geeft je 'ten points of entry'.
In case you missed it, one of the most of vital music publications going is in need of new subscribers. It's nearly hit it's target but just needs a few more. It's offering reduced rates so quite frankly is an absolute bargain.
If you need convincing this is one of my favourite pieces of music writing of this year - an in-depth look at a song that lasts 1.3 seconds.
Meantime, as Twitter self-immolates and Buzzfeed News gets erased and etc., why not support a site that needs the money and the attention? I've written for #TheQuietus for over a decade now, and I'd love to keep doing that for some time to come -- read more about what's up here, and consider subscribing if you can! #music #culture #art #movies #books https://thequietus.com/articles/32853-quietus-subscriber-discount
#TheQuietus #music #culture #art #movies #books
Vandaag veertig jaar geleden verscheen het slechtste album van #PinkFloyd: The Final Cut. (Dat is precies tien jaar na hun beste.) Waarom was The Final Cut zo slecht? Het was de egotrip van #RogerWaters. Muziekplatform #TheQuietus publiceerde vandaag een mooi essay over de breuk in Pink Floyd en de verwording van Waters tot ‘puppet van #Putin’:
#putin #TheQuietus #rogerwaters #pinkfloyd
A great piece over at #TheQuietus today -- #BenMyers on #NapalmDeath and specifically their famed 1.3 second song "You Suffer." #music https://thequietus.com/articles/32682-ben-myers-napalm-death-you-suffer
#TheQuietus #benmyers #napalmdeath #music
Panda Bear interviews Sonic Boom… and viceversa.
#sonicboom #pandabear #interview #TheQuietus #coolness
#RayOfLight van #Madonna verscheen vandaag 25 jaar geleden. Vijf jaar terug schreef #TheQuietus er dit stukkie over:
#TheQuietus #madonna #rayoflight
And my latest piece for #TheQuietus is live: looking at the reissue of the wonderful 1995 debut album by #Movietone, a striking effort from the 'Bristol scene' as such of the time, and still intriguingly unique and against a lot of the perceived grain of UK rock music then and now. https://thequietus.com/articles/32622-movietone-review