Adrian Riskin · @AdrianRiskin
90 followers · 541 posts · Server

Deep sociological insight from an anonymous Google maps user -- although the physical beginning of the Walk of Fame is ten miles north of this spot, without a century of violence against South LA, including coercive rent extraction, there's no Walk of Fame, no Hollywood, no movie industry, no Los Angeles even. This is indeed where it all begins.

#losangeles #southla #SouthCentral #hollywood #walkoffame #slausonavenue #westernavenue #TheRentIsTooDamnHigh #elrentoesrobo #propertyistheft

Last updated 2 years ago

Adrian Riskin · @AdrianRiskin
56 followers · 233 posts · Server

There's a retail rental property development industry in LA that I don't see much written about. Developers buy distressed single family homes and replace them on spec with small by-right multifamily units, which they then sell to landlords to exploit. You can spot these because they're for sale rather than for rent. They aren't built by landlords but to sell to landlords.

This isn't exactly gentrification and it's not exactly new. Working class residential areas of LA are filled with these two and three unit structures, some more than a century old. But it's not exactly business as usual either. It runs on the scraps thrown off by the large scale engines of gentrification as they pulverize whole superblocks.

These structures are replacing single family homes, some of which were already rentals but others were owner occupied. The new tenants probably won't be gentrifiers at this stage, but the rents will be higher, which increases property values, which makes better loans possible, which makes more direct gentrification pencil out better, which reinforces the gentrification cycle. The cycle is also reinforced by replacing owners with renters, who are much easier to exploit directly.

I don't have conclusions or solutions, just information. Both of these buildings are on 55th Street between Normandie and Budlong.

#losangeles #gentrification #realestate #singlefamilyhomes #normandieave #budlongave #55thstreet #landlords #tenants #LATU #TheRentIsTooDamnHigh

Last updated 2 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
636 followers · 14510 posts · Server
nowtimetraveler · @nowtimetraveler
30 followers · 24 posts · Server

After two years, I hope to get back to Berlin for a week next month, I have to really, I need to track down my little brother, make sure he's alright, give hike my number and whatbot (my fam is fubar that way)

I managed to pay the tickets only to find out that the weekly rate for the place I was expecting to stay at became the cost for 1 night....

In other words

ngl I'm lowkey freaking out. It took me two years to get to the point where I can afford to go back there and I ain't sure I can *actually* afford it.
Not to mention: it's a very very long shot anyways, I don't know where my family lives, my brother doesnt have social media or a phone, I'm betting everything on the fact that for his bday he'll go get takeout at his favorite restaurant, if he doesn't it will all have been for naught.

#BerlinHasFallen #TheRentIsTooDamnHigh

Last updated 2 years ago

nowtimetraveler · @nowtimetraveler
6 followers · 8 posts · Server

Hi, I guess it's time for yet another , I'm an () 36yo nb anarchist.

When verbal, I speak or post in English, French, German or a combination of these (languages have different levels of safety depending on the subject, context etc.)
I don't toot or interact much with others, not sure if that's imputable to rsd, cptsd or simply is the way I am.

If I boost of fav a toot it really means a lot to me, and I'm sorry in advance if you consider this impolite, I simply don't have the spoons for full replies, or rather I have them, but doing tech support, I'm already on the phone (and chat), 45 hours a week and these are simply already spent (read wasted)

I was raised on and around the stage by actors (not the rich and famous kind, the broke and abusive kind) grew up in hospitals (not on account of autism but an hereditary form of mastocytosis) I barely went to highschool (but still managed to get my diploma which to this day is my highest academic achievement, later I'd drop out from an amazing Film school on account of the above mentioned Mastocytosis), after a few years in isolation I learned to walk again 10 years ago (if you saw me today you probably wouldn't guess that at all, disability is dynamic and whatnot) I did an insane amount of shitjobs but also some cool shit.
I think this is my 7th Mastodon acc or so, I hope this time I'll stick to it.
Pronouns wise:
They/Them: Makes me feel seen
She/Her: Gives me euphoria
He/Him: Still painful but somehow less than it used to be.

Over the years what little spoons I had, were (if not wasted on capitalism) spent on photography, video/tv/cinema (I was a pretty awesome editor, but that was another life), a couple of years back I wrote a book (which while heavily fictionalized is also largely autobiographic, I called it INTERFACE, cause that's what it is -it's in French).
I may or may not at some point write a follow-up, or work on a translation/adaptation (or might wow to never write again, I'm honestly not sure either way)

Born in Paris, married in NYC and divorced in Berlin (in Wedding actually, because life be like that sometimes), I'm currently based in Sofia, Bulgaria on account of freaking on other words & (I ain't even kidding, afte years of housing insecurity and bouts of homelessness, most my friends whom are not engineers, academician etc. either were fit for Squatt life or had to leave and are now somewhere else in Germany or in another country alltogether.)

I go by Magda, (but my deadname is not taboo anymore, I actually have learned to like it again and to me it is a gender neutral name anyways)

Anyhoo, thank you for reading I guess, feel free to follow, but as mentioned earlier don't expect original content or regular posting.

Tldr: 36yo They/Them/She/her/AudHD nb anarchist, English, French and German speaker, dog person and cat lady, doesn't post much.

#Introduction #actuallyautistic #AuDHD #gentrification #TheRentIsTooDamnHigh #BerlinHasFallen

Last updated 2 years ago

nowtimetraveler · @nowtimetraveler
6 followers · 8 posts · Server

Hi, I guess it's time for yet another , I'm an () 36yo nb anarchist.

When verbal, I speak or post in English, French, German or a combination of these (languages have different levels of safety depending on the subject, context etc.)
I don't toot or interact much with others, not sure if that's imputable to rsd, cptsd or simply is the way I am.

If I boost I fav a toot it really means a lot and I'm sorry in advance if you consider these impolite, I simply don't have the spoons for full replies, or rather I have them, but doing tech support, I'm already on the phone (and chat) 45 hours a week and these are simply already spent (read wasted)

I was raised on and around the stage by actors (not the rich and famous kind, the broke and abusive kind) grew up in hospitals (not on account of autism but an hereditary form of mastocytosis) I barely went to highschool (but still managed to get my diploma which to this day is my highest academic achievement, later I'd drop out from an amazing Film school on account of the above mentioned Mastocytosis), after a few years in isolation I learned to walk again 10 years ago (if you saw me today you probably wouldn't guess that at all, disability is dynamic and whatnot) I did an insane amount of shitjobs but also some cool shit.
I think this is my 7th Mastodon acc or so, I hope this time I'll stick to it.
Pronouns wise:
They/Them: Makes me feel seen
She/Her: Gives me euphoria
He/Him: Still painful but somehow less than it used to be.

Over the years what little spoons I had, were (if not wasted on capitalism) spent on photography, video/tv/cinema (I was a pretty awesome editor, but that was another life), a couple of years back I wrote a book (which while heavily fictionalized is also largely autobiographic, I called it INTERFACE, cause that's what it is -it's in French).
I may or may not at some point write a follow-up, or work on a translation/adaptation (or might wow to never write again, I'm honestly not sure either way)

Born in Paris, got married in NYC and divorced in Berlin (in Wedding actually, b cause life be like that sometimes), I'm currently based in Sofia Bulgaria on account of freaking on other words & (I ain't even kidding, all my friends whom are not engineers, academician etc. either were fit for Squatt life or had to leave and are now somewhere else in Germany or in another country all together.

I go by Magda, (but my deadname is not taboo anymore), I actually have learned to like it again and to me it is a gender neutral name anyways.

Anyhoo, thank you for reading I guess, feel free to follow, just as mentioned don't expect original content or regular posting.

Tldr: 36yo AudHD nb anarchist, English, French and German speaker, doesn't post much.

#Introduction #actuallyautistic #AuDHD #gentrification #TheRentIsTooDamnHigh #BerlinHasFallen

Last updated 2 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
354 followers · 11186 posts · Server