Zwischen #TheDarkKnightReturns & #CivilWar lagen allerdings auch Jahre, in denen ich mich gar nicht mehr für Superhelden-Comics interessiert hab. Stattdessen hab ich in der Zeit vor allem Veröffentlichungen bei Vertigo (heute: #DCBlackLabel) wie #TheSandman gelesen und natürlich Alan Moores Werke: #FromHell, #VForVendetta, sowie #Watchmen. Die frühen Marvel-Verfilmungen hab ich links liegen lassen und bin nur zum ersten Thor mitgeschleift worden. Den Schlummer hat erst #WonderWoman beendet.
#thedarkknightreturns #civilwar #dcblacklabel #TheSandman #fromhell #vforvendetta #watchmen #wonderwoman
To buy or not to buy... that is the question. 🤔
Ich habe die Abende als Strohwitwer gut genutzt & endlich noch mal The 7th. Kontinent auf den Tisch gebracht.
Die Geschichte ist sehr immersiv &
ich bin gespannt, wie sie weitergeht.
Und dann noch ein bisschen Sandman!
#_tante_tiffy_ #acoupleofboardgames #brettspiel #spielen #boardgames #brettspielfamilie #meeple #boardgameplayer #feierabend #analogeunterhaltung #analsysparalysis #grübellähmung #seriouspulp
#pegasusspiele #7thcontinent #strohwitwer #thesandman #adreamofathousandcats
#_tante_tiffy_ #acoupleofboardgames #Brettspiel #spielen #boardgames #brettspielfamilie #Meeple #boardgameplayer #feierabend #analogeunterhaltung #analsysparalysis #grubellahmung #seriouspulp #pegasusspiele #7thcontinent #strohwitwer #TheSandman #adreamofathousandcats
some SMUTTY THINGS HAPPEN involving a RUBY, a HUMAN, and a VERY HORNY ANTHROPOMORPHIC PERSONIFICATION in my NEW FIC: #thesandman #thesandmanfanfiction
#TheSandman #thesandmanfanfiction
Listening to The Sandman on audio has been wonderful. My mind can't keep the details of graphic novels and having an audio option has allowed me to enjoy this series. I wish more graphic novels were able to do this. @bookstodon #Books #TheSandman #bookstodon
#books #TheSandman #bookstodon
I am a huge fan of #TheSandman and enjoyed the TV adaptation, so on someone's recommendation I checked out the audiobook on #Audible. As an #autistic reader, I found it very hard to listen to because it's not actually an audiobook - it's a radio drama. I know a graphic novel takes work to adapt into audio, since the original work uses drawings instead of words. But I didn't realize this adaptation would include a lot of disgusting sound effects and difficult-to-understand character voices. Lesson learned: Don't trust audiobook adaptations of graphic novels.
#TheSandman #audible #Autistic
#TheSandman foi indicada ao GLAAD Awards na categoria de 'Melhor Série Nova'
Na Fan Expo San Francisco
Mason Alexander Park (Desire) confirma que as filmagens da 2° temporada de #TheSandman começam no verão deste ano.
To be clear. When I say that #TheSandman is "multiple stories" , that's not necessarily meant as a negative. I loved the narrative, the pace, the flow.
I like to be put off guard like that. To be yanked out of that "Disney/Pixar/Hollywood" type of storytelling. I'm so used to that pace and flow, that it bores me. It's why I like Asian movies. Or weird books. European comics. A different pace makes me pay attention. A twist where Hollywood would never dare to place one, makes me think.
Ich starte das Jahr mit einem neuen Versuch die Faszination von #TheSandman zu ergründen. Hatte es vor einigen Jahren schon mal probiert und fand die Reihe schrecklich langweilig. Wenn es wieder nicht funkt kommen die beiden Omnibus Bände weg.
Is it just me, or is Lenny Henry living out the greatest #cosplay of all time?
#TheSandman #thewitcher #thewitcherbloodorigin #lordoftherings #BloodOrigin #RingsOfPower #cosplay
Christmas is off to a great start! Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates, and for everyone who doesn’t I hope you have an incredible day! #TheSandman #Chocolatecoveredcherries
#TheSandman #chocolatecoveredcherries
De acordo com a
A Netflix está considerando lançar a 2° temporada de #TheSandman em partes.
Igual como fizeram com a 4° temporada de Stranger Things.
Aparentemente esse foi o o motivo da demora para a renovação da série.
Eita! Segundo o
David Zaslav instruiu a empresa para interromper a venda de programas finalizados para a Netflix por algumas semanas.
Zaslav está insatisfeito como os negócios com a Netflix são estruturados.
A insatisfação dele vem após a renovação de #TheSandman.
How familiar are you with the King of Dreams? #thesandman #morpheus #sandmanmemes
#TheSandman #morpheus #sandmanmemes
How familiar are you with the King of Dreams? #thesandman #morpheus #sandmanmemes
#TheSandman #morpheus #sandmanmemes
Neil Gaiman confirmou que a Delirium vai aparecer na 2° temporada de #TheSandman
Neil Gaiman enviou este vídeo para a CCXP falando sobre a segunda temporada de #TheSandman