For all you #PCGamers out there - who remembers #Thunderscape from #SSI?
Well did you know that there was also a trilogy of novels released alongside the game?
Find out more right here in #TheVideoGameLibrary:
#WorldOfAden #StrategicSimulationsInc #Mindscape #Darkfall #IndomitableThunder #TheSentinel #StrategicSimulations #PC #PCGamer #PCGaming #MSDOS #DungeonCrawler #Gaming #VideoGames #VideoGame #Book #Books #Bookstodon #Trilogy #Fantasy @bookstodon
#Fantasy #trilogy #bookstodon #Books #book #videogame #videogames #Gaming #dungeoncrawler #msdos #pcgaming #pcgamer #pc #strategicsimulations #TheSentinel #indomitablethunder #darkfall #mindscape #strategicsimulationsinc #worldofaden #thevideogamelibrary #ssi #thunderscape #pcgamers
I really need to get back into this. A challenging game if I recall. 🤔
#tetrocomputing #bbcmicro #80scomputer #TheSentinel
His career spanned almost 70 years, running the gamut from George Milton in #OfMiceandMen (1939) to scene-stealing, quirky supporting roles in #HorrorMovies including #BurntOfferings (1976) and #TheSentinel (1977).
#bornonthisday #botd #otd #TheSentinel #burntofferings #HorrorMovies #ofmiceandmen
#TheSentinel S2E09 小向导他妈来看儿子。哨兵:你妈不能住酒店吗,一定要住咱家吗,我是说屋里有个男的走来走去还会把内裤脱了丢地上,咱妈多不方便。
#TheSentinel S2E07 笑死我了,这片子愈发过分了,继一前一后手把着手,一起探查证物,缠缠绵绵捆绷带终于也有了。我上次看到打着赤膊,绷带缠满小腰的景象,还是上次林志玲的小乔被吐槽把梁朝伟缠成粽子。但是小向导的胸毛很可爱。捏着绷带的哨兵也难得老老实实。(最后还是手欠了拍人家)
#Thesentinel 好好磕啊,我磕拉了。通过av画质熟肉仔细观摩学习中。戏外售后也贼给力,查到资讯说选角是先选了小向导,然后给向导找合适的Jim,别把我磕拉了
【旧图整理】《Ancient Brotherhood》#哨兵 #TheSentinel #JimBlair 发现有很多以前出的无料本本除了超少量印刷版之外似乎没有发布过,就从这个开始吧。不知道7年前出的原作是20多年前的老剧的同人还有没有人吃。😂 反正哨兵我真的是什么时候都能复吸。↓看看这个博客地址好不好使~