@ms_o @bookstodon #TheSpareMan has a protagonist with physical and psychological disabilities. It's a kind of noir mystery in space.
Started #TheSpareMan by @maryrobinette and was prompted to look up Westies to see what they look like, and gosh darn if that isn’t the cutest little pupper
It's awards eligibility season. I published two things this year. One is the novel, #TheSpareMan and another is a picture book #MollyOnTheMoon.
I have a little bit forgotten how to do this, because the last 2 years I've been quiet about eligibility because I was either running #SFWA or a #Worldcon.
Anyway, here's my post about this.
#TheSpareMan #mollyonthemoon #sfwa #worldcon
@clpolk @maryrobinette Mary Robinette Kowal's work is extraordinary and I believe this wholeheartedly. I've only read the Lady Astronaut series so far, but #TheSpareMan is on my TBR.
I just finished #Legendborn by Tracy Deonn and figured out *part* of the protagonist's Significant Past but there were more layers to it that I didn't see, and the Big Reveal was worthy of both tears (some leaked) and applause (not actually given because I was holding a tablet). Overall the relationships felt like standard YA but the protagonist's voice was compelling, and the prose and worldbuilding were top-notch.
#readers - what are you admiring about the book you are reading right now? fiction, nonfiction, or poetry
I'll go first.
I'm partway through #TheSpareMan by @maryrobinette and the protagonist has a Significant Past Event. I finally found out what it was.
reader, I hurt. I hurt in my heart. oh gosh.
At @maryrobinette's book event in SF and admiring my new #TheSpareMan Do Not Disturb door hanger