You can't just say that to someone with ADHD!¡
#thestanleyparable #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe
I might be reading way too much into this, but they *did* change the 9 that was yellow-orange on the 999 box art to red when they redesigned it...
#TheStanleyParable #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe #ZeroEscape #NineHoursNinePersonsNineDoors
#thestanleyparable #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe #zeroescape #ninehoursninepersonsninedoors
I liked "Good job. You've made it to the Bottom of The Mind Control Facility. Well done." by Crows Crows Crows
#PS5Share #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
Test Trophy Please Ignore (GOLD)
#PlayStationTrophy #PS5Share, #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe
#PlayStationTrophy #PS5Share #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe
It took me all day, but it's finally mine!!!
#PS5Share, #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe
#PS5Share #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe
This game is a masterpiece of absurdity!
It is truly one of my favorites.
#PS5Share #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe
Wie sehr kann man eine Zahl lieben?
#TheStanleyParable #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe #TheStanleyParableDemo
#TheStanleyParable #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe #thestanleyparabledemo #eight
Lach, in der #PlayStation-Version von #TheStanleyParable kommen die "fiesen" Kommentare nicht von #Steam-Usern, sondern von #PressurizedGas. #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe
#playstation #TheStanleyParable #steam #pressurizedgas #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe
Now I feel better enough to post my #haloween costume: Stanley from The Stanley Parable, complete with The Bucket from Ultra Deluxe
to be notified when I livestream wearing the costume in a few days, follow my owncast @streamer and turn on the notification bell
#StanleyParable #TheStanleyParable #StanleyParableUltraDeluxe #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe #Bucket
#haloween #stanleyparable #thestanleyparable #stanleyparableultradeluxe #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe #bucket
Не удивляйтесь тому что завтра я буду весь день играть в #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe. Я просто выбиваю предпоследнее достижение.
@gamingonlinux Schau mal @PorcusDivinus , hattest Du das Original nicht heute erst erwähnt? Es kommt bald eine erweiterte Version. #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe