TV TONIGHT (August 30)
#ArcherFXX #ExpeditionBigfoot #ChipNDale #CourtCam #MyStrangeArrest #TheUltimatum #NCT127 #HeartOfInvictus #USOpen #AGT #BB25 #AEWDynamite #RHOC #MasterChef #HouseOfPayne #BargainBlock #DoesMurderSleep #TeenageEuthanasia
#teenageeuthanasia #doesmurdersleep #bargainblock #houseofpayne #masterchef #rhoc #aewdynamite #bb25 #AGT #USOpen #HeartofInvictus #NCT127 #TheUltimatum #mystrangearrest #courtcam #chipndale #expeditionbigfoot #archerfxx
TV TONIGHT (August 23)
#NancyDrew #Riverdale #GOPDebate #TheUltimatum #Invasion #BargainBlock #DestinedWithYou #DrPimplePopper #TemptationIsland #AGT #BB25 #MasterChef #BSHigh #ABodyInTheBasement #TeenMom #HouseOfPayne #RHOC #Grownish #GhostAdventures
#ghostadventures #grownish #rhoc #houseofpayne #teenmom #abodyinthebasement #bshigh #masterchef #bb25 #AGT #temptationisland #drpimplepopper #destinedwithyou #bargainblock #Invasion #TheUltimatum #gopdebate #riverdale #NancyDrew
Lmaoooooooooo the spicy latina got arrested for domestic violence she been omitting hella information #TheUltimatum
It's so weird to me when people who claim to be desperate to be parents refuse to consider adoption #TheUltimatum
One thing I like about the gays is when they want to have a kid they start saving and thinking and basically taking their time lmao it's a whole process. Straight people often put more thought into their doordash order than they do bringing a human being into existence #TheUltimatum
The lesson of this story is queer people are only slightly less annoying than straights and neither groups are at all suited to long term relationships #TheUltimatum
Aussie needs intense psychological treatment on some clockwork orange shit #TheUltimatum
Short sleeve button up and a bow tie for the proposal on some Problem Child shit 🤢 #TheUltimatum
O que eu penso sobre este programa. A pessoa quer casar e outro não quer? Ou você desapega desses conceitos ou tschüss #TheUltimatum
#TheUltimatum 看完了,本来以为是像隔 #TooHotToHandle 一样肤浅的肥皂 show(不是说只看 physical 这件事本身肤浅),谁想出来这种公然 swing 的点子玩很大哦,也无法理解他们的渴婚渴育(美国虽然没人催婚催育但是 ubiquitous 的所谓 family value 不能讨厌小孩这点还挺让我翻白眼的)。没想到随着节目深入发现还挺真诚的,尤其是原配情侣本身之间的互动和矛盾特别真实和 relatable。结局各对的结局其实还蛮意料之中的(除了一开始的 Alexis 和 Hunter),尤其是每一对结局居然都不一样,意外但又情理之中这就是生活。
全片最最最惨的应该是 Lauren, I truly feel sad for her and her future life.(另外她长的好像 #You 里的我忘了名字的第二三季女主) 最后还是妥协下来说可以生一个孩子。太惨了,even if she may end up actually liking it 还是觉得太惨了,幸亏不是在中国 support 能稍微好那么一丁点。我不是说生孩子本身惨,我是说本身自己坚定地不想生(I'm pretty sure 她很不想生而不是迫于节目压力说不确定,参见本 thread 第一条)结果迫于各种压力一时糊涂觉得自己可以接受生。
#TheUltimatum #TooHotToHandle #you #watching #每日反生育
在大家的安利下我也开始看 #TheUltimatum 了,虽然跟隔壁 #TooHotToHandle 同款的用力过猛 cliche 尬音乐,不过整体而言感觉情感真了很多,尤其是原配们之间的互动太真实了。而且好多长期 relationship 还算和谐但是不想 settle down 的表现在一碰到新人之后的表现太明显了(我听说结局出乎意料拭目以待以下),有些人碰到新 flirt 对象那副猴急的样子好传神,想出这种公然义正言辞 swing 机制的剧组也真是绝了。
本来也明白是受众群体的问题,不过很多地方还是渴婚和渴孩得让我有点不适,like physically 我真的无法理解为啥有人能那么想要小孩/结婚。尤其是不想生孩子的 Lauren 全程在被剧组和所谓理解她的人 pressure “你不是真的不想要孩子你只是找不到合适的人一起承担”,jeez give me a break,我时刻(可能是以己度人地)感觉她不敢在镜头前直说“我就是讨厌小孩” :mtfront_roll_eyes_stark: 美国最让我讨厌的 value 甚至不是 MEGA 而是所谓 family oriented 不能有人真的讨厌小孩。
不过这一集结尾我大跌眼镜,本来一直在想 Alexis 性格这么讨人厌,不想外貌 shaming 但是真的长得很恐怖看得毛骨悚然,我感觉一开始她追的 Colby 也是这么想的不能直说又一直被逼问我真的替他尬穿地心。结果全部男的里我最喜欢的儒雅内敛的 Hunter 竟然试 date 完一周就直接接受通牒要跟她夫妻双双把家还了(虽然他跟 April 确实超级不搭要我我也不接受)…行吧只能说真人秀里表现出来的大概只是一个人很少的第一部分(if any),萝卜青菜各有所爱…
#TheUltimatum #TooHotToHandle #watching