#TheUnion is not based on consent – European leaders must now make it clear #Scotland will be welcomed as the only country to be taken out of the EU against its will, writes Anthony Barnett
Gender and #TB is a complex issue with different challenges for access and outcomes for men and women. Join the discussion tomorrow with #WHO and #TheUnion to discuss
Multisectoral engagement to improve gender equity in TB and ensure no one is left behind. I will be presenting on the role of #Globalfund on investing in Gender equity for TB. https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2022/11/21/default-calendar/international-men-s-day--2022multisectoral-engagement-to-improve-gender-equity-in-tb-and-ensure-no-one-is-left-behind
#TheUnion #who #tb #globalfund
I have never seen such a bad take, it's like whoever made this watched too many alternate history youtube videos and decided to give it a go #anarchist #socialism #communism #ara #afa #antifa #badtake #america #solution #olympia #Libertas #Dixie #TheUnion
#TheUnion #Dixie #Libertas #olympia #solution #america #badtake #antifa #afa #Ara #communism #socialism #anarchist
📬 Atari ST, our FirST Love – die Macher des Demos im Interview #Demoszene #Interviews #AtariST #Overlanders #SillyVenture #TheUnion https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/demoszene/atari-st-our-first-love-die-macher-des-demos-im-interview-216886.html
#TheUnion #sillyventure #Overlanders #atarist #interviews #demoszene
Wie das Laschet-Drama die Risse in der CDU offenlegt
https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/basis-tendiert-zu-soeder-wie-das-laschet-drama-die-risse-in-der-cdu-offenlegt/27107586.html #TheUnion
K-Frage der Union: Söder muss nur zuschauen
https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/k-frage-der-union-markus-soeder-muss-nur-zuschauen-17299871.html #TheUnion