The rumours surrounding an arrest in August 2009, as reported by TMZ[1], turned out to not be true. Shocker!
Danielle Rose Russell #thevampirediaries #theoriginals #legacies #tvd #danielleroserussell #edit
#TheVampireDiaries #theoriginals #legacies #tvd #danielleroserussell #edit #ダニエル・ローズ・ラッセル
Danielle Rose Russell , a Hope Mikaelson | Curiosidades e Fatos
#CuriosidadessobrehopeMikaelson #Daniellerosehope #danielleroseope #DanielleRoseRussell #danielleroserussellhopemikaelsonlegacies #Hope #hopemikaelson #legacies #legaciescuriosidades #legacieshope #Legacieshopemikaelson #theoriginalsdanielle #thevampirediaries #ダニエル・ローズ・ラッセル
#curiosidadessobrehopemikaelson #daniellerosehope #danielleroseope #danielleroserussell #danielleroserussellhopemikaelsonlegacies #hope #hopemikaelson #legacies #legaciescuriosidades #legacieshope #legacieshopemikaelson #theoriginalsdanielle #TheVampireDiaries #ダニエル・ローズ・ラッセル
Lauren Cohan – Video Tribute
#LaurenCohan #talkingdead #thevampirediaries #TheWalkingDead #ローレン・コーハン
#laurencohan #TalkingDead #TheVampireDiaries #thewalkingdead #ローレン・コーハン
#DamonSalvatore #DanielleRoseRussell #HayleyMarshall #hopemikaelson #IanSomerhalder #JosephMorgan #KlausMikaelson #legacies #PaulWesley #PhoebeTonkin #StefanSalvatore #theoriginals #thevampirediaries #ダニエル・ローズ・ラッセル
#damonsalvatore #danielleroserussell #hayleymarshall #hopemikaelson #IanSomerhalder #josephmorgan #klausmikaelson #legacies #paulwesley #phoebetonkin #stefansalvatore #theoriginals #TheVampireDiaries #ダニエル・ローズ・ラッセル
We’re celebrating #VampiricValentines this Feb in a team up with @femmeoncollective’s @riacarrogan & @mstonyatodd for the first #CloneBores of 2023 we’ll be comparing #Byzantium & #OnlyLoversLeftAlive to ask the question does love ever die? #PrepareForPrattle
#lamia #vamps #vampyre #vampirebat #vampires #vampire #horror #dracula #halloween #goth #gothic #vampirediaries #art #horrormovies #love #thevampirediaries #tvd #werewolves #bookstagram #witches #blood #twilight
#vampiricvalentines #clonebores #byzantium #onlyloversleftalive #prepareforprattle #lamia #vamps #vampyre #vampirebat #vampires #vampire #horror #dracula #Halloween #goth #gothic #vampireDiaries #art #HorrorMovies #love #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #werewolves #bookstagram #witches #blood #twilight
We just posted a brand new mini episode for our Patreon supporters! @charliejane explains EVERYTHING you need to know about #TheVampireDiaries, #TheOriginals, and #Legacies. It's much weirder and more wonderful than you ever imagined!
#TheVampireDiaries #theoriginals #Legacies
apparently Claire Holt was at the World Cup final
#TheVampireDiaries #TheOriginals #TVDU
#TheVampireDiaries #TheOriginals #tvdu
I’m still figuring out how to use this app. But I wanted to let ppl know I’m currently writing a lot of #fanfics for #tvd #TVD #TheOriginals #TO #TheVampireDiaries centered on the #Mikaelsons #MikaelsonFamily and on a trope I like to call @gooddadmikael lol
Here’s the cover for one of the stories. They are being cross posted on #ao3 #Wattpad and
#fanfics #tvd #TheOriginals #to #TheVampireDiaries #mikaelsons #mikaelsonfamily #ao3 #Wattpad #fanfiction
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
#Australia #Australian
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT #TTRPG #DnD #VampireTheMasquerade #VTM
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #australia #australian #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt #ttrpg #dnd #vampirethemasquerade #vtm
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
#Australia #Australian
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #australia #australian #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like(indefinite WIP)
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt
me sigam ;)
vou parar por aqui :P
#jonasbrothers #Shadowhunters #crepusculo #jogosvorazes #theumbrellaacademy #percyjackson #bookstan #selenaquintanilla #anahi #RBD #heartstopper #YoungRoyals #strangerthings #teenwolf #theoriginals #TheVampireDiaries #thegoodplace #HIMYM #thebigbangtheory #brooklyn99 #friends #superstore #morat #harryshumjr
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|acho q é isso galerinha
#skins #twd #the100 #pjo #Legacies #theoriginals #TheVampireDiaries #tvd #tvdu #thecruelprince #b99 #percyjackson #gameofthrones #got #dc #marvel #lanadelrey #taylorswift #bookstan #books
minhas #
#bookstan #taylorswift #letterboxd #jessicachastain #christianbale #natalieportman #lanadelrey #thevampirediaries #queen #prettylittleliars #modernfamily #opovodoar #percyjackson #harrypotter
#harrypotter #percyjackson #opovodoar #ModernFamily #prettylittleliars #queen #TheVampireDiaries #lanadelrey #natalieportman #christianbale #jessicachastain #letterboxd #taylorswift #bookstan