40 years ago today
Black Flag, Misfits and The Vandals - Santa Monica Civic Auditorium - June 11, 1983
#punk #punks #punkrock #hardcorepunk #blackflag #misfits #thevandals #history #punkrockhistory #otd
#punk #punks #PunkRock #hardcorepunk #blackflag #Misfits #TheVandals #history #punkrockhistory #otd
Triggered by a haiku, I thought of this, one of my favorite songs EVER:
#Music #Punk #TheVandals #AnarchyBurger #ClintEastwood #CouldntMakeItAsAPunker #ThoseDamnPunksAreCrazyThough #TheGoodTheBadTheUgly
#thegoodthebadtheugly #thosedamnpunksarecrazythough #couldntmakeitasapunker #clinteastwood #anarchyburger #TheVandals #punk #music
π #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SonicReducer
The Vandals:
π΅ The Legend of Pat Brown
#nowplaying #SonicReducer #TheVandals
π #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #SteveLamacq
The Vandals:
π΅ Play That Country Tuba Cowboy
#nowplaying #bbc6music #SteveLamacq #TheVandals
π #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #ChrisHawkins
The Vandals:
π΅ Oi To The World!
#nowplaying #bbc6music #ChrisHawkins #TheVandals
π #NowPlaying on BBC6Music's #SteveLamacq
The Vandals:
π΅ Oi To The World!
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#nowplaying #SteveLamacq #TheVandals
#swinginutters #teenagebottlerocket #tenfootpole #theataris #thebouncingsouls #thebriggs #thebusiness #thecramps #TheDamned #thedecline #thedickies #thedistillers #thedwarves #theexploited #theflatliners #TheHives #theholymess #thehumpers #thejoykiller #thelawrencearms #thelovedones #themarsvolta #themenzingers #TheMightyMightyBossToneS #theoffspring #thestooges #theuntouchables #TheVandals #thisisastandoff #tomwaits #totalchaos #tsol #undeclinableambuscade #union13 #venerea
Y #TheVandals es una banda punk de origen californiano nacida en la dΓ©cada de los 80` que desde su nombre honorifica a este pueblo. A diferencia de otros grupos de su gΓ©nero como Bad Religion o Suicidal Tendencies, en sus composiciones hicieron culto a temas mΓ‘s ligados al humor. Los escucharemos con el cover del tema de Queen #DontStopmeNow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHAa0zHps2E