"'All this little affair of 'being' is over.'"
Nature, indifferent to human affairs.
#MtFieldNationalPark #Tasmania
#RussellFalls #HorseshoeFalls #LadyBarronFalls
#TheWaves2022 #VirginiaWoolf #mtfieldnationalpark #tasmania #threefallscircuit #russellfalls #horseshoefalls #ladybarronfalls
"'Should this be the end of the story? a kind of sigh? a last ripple of the wave? A trickle of water to some gutter where, burbling, it dies away? ... But if there are no stories, what end can there be, or what beginning?'"
#amreading #VirginiaWoolf #TheWaves2022 #Books #bookstodon
"'We tell each other stories, and to decorate them we make up these ridiculous, flamboyant, beautiful phrases. How tired I am of phrases that come down beautifully with all their feet on the ground!...I begin to long for some little language such as lovers use, broken words, inarticulate words, like the shuffling of feet on the pavement.'"
#amreading #VirginiaWoolf #TheWaves2022 #Books