The girls, watching their favorite TV show, The Wire (oldish photo).
#caturday #catsofmastodon #TheWire
一口气把#TheWire 第五季刷完了,想到这剧一个艾美都没拿过,那么better call saul的待遇好像也能理解了,awards are irrelevant (最后的那个普利策我不信主创团队没有影射(x
最后一季充满对前四季的call back,可以说是非常爱护观众了😢 待我缓缓再来写正经观后感
Top 5 best TV shows of all-time (I'll start):
1. #TheWire
2. #BreakingBad
3. #BetterCallSaul
4. #CurbYourEnthusiasm
5. #HaltAndCatchFire
#HaltAndCatchFire #CurbYourEnthusiasm #BetterCallSaul #breakingbad #TheWire
Let’s do a proper #introduction. I am biologist, with MSc in #biotechnology and in #bioinformatics. I did my PhD in #anatomy and #transcriptomics of wound-healing and resprouting in the Canary Island pine. My current project focus on #genomics, #epigenomics and association studies in Picea abies, and I also collaborate in the transcriptomic response in Dutch elm disease (#DED) and Ash dieback (#ADB).
I enjoy travelling, films, and listening/playing music.
#TheWire is the best series ever.
#introduction #biotechnology #bioinformatics #anatomy #Transcriptomics #Genomics #Epigenomics #DED #ADB #TheWire
Best show
Best opening scene
Best theme music
#TheWire is 20 years old, but timeless.
The fact that people still write about #TheWire to this day is a testament to how amazing the show was.
Actually ruined TV. Now everything is compared to this show and falls short.
#TheWire 107 One Arrest
#TheWire Idris Alba实在太sassy了,别说他那些深色丝质衬衫配眼镜的造型,就算他像其他混混一样穿球衣、oversize的外套裤子,还是最靓的仔无疑。