Acabé el brujero y confirmo que la temporada 3 da vergüenza ajena y que los dos últimos episodios son un despropósito, sinsentido, aburridos y antes vería Eragon otra vez. #thewitcher
Mi sa che c’è qualcosa che devo dirvi.
Magari nelle prossime settimane.
Season 3 of #TheWitcher is just… bad? Characters and plot lines that just make me fall asleep. A soundtrack that’s grating and dialog that’s clunky.
The third season of the #Witcher is just the best! Really great story line with plenty of action mixed in. #netflix is one of the only streamers that is worth the money. #TheWitcher
#31daysofvideogames Giorno 4 - gioco iniziato e mai finito
Ne ho parecchi di titoli mai finiti, con motivi vari dalla mancanza di tempo o di voglia come fu per Adventures of Shuggy, #DarkMessiah of Might & Magic o #TheWitcher. Ma mai dire mai, perché potrei riprenderli in mano.
#31daysofvideogames #darkmessiah #TheWitcher
Just watched the season finale of #TheWitcher via @netflix ... Not much of an ending (and how's the show supposed to continue without Cavill's annoyed grunts?) #TheCostOfChaos
Holy sh!t!!! Those last episodes of ‘The Witcher’ Season 3 were gnarly, tragic and brutal. We will will miss you Henry. You perfectly cast as Geralt of Rivia. Liam… Don’t f!ck if up! #thewitcher #netflix
I was able to appreciate the story more after I watched the making of #TheWitcher Season 3 (which played right after the season finale).
It's actually interesting. The way the writers, show runners, and cast described it, it's giving #GameofThrones. Unfortunately, I didn't get that vibe while watching the actual episodes. Missed opportunity. But kudos to the cast and crew for the hard work!
PS. Remind me again why they are replacing #HenryCavill? 🤔
#TheWitcher #GameofThrones #henrycavill
Is it just me or there's really something off about the story telling in #TheWitcher season 3? Or is it the writing?
Sometimes it looks like there are a lot of cut scenes. Like there's a disconnect from one scene to the next. And sometimes there are abrupt changes in a character's decisions. Is it for the sake of unpredictability? Maybe it works but it's not believable. 🤔
Wow. Hammer-Song vom Soundtrack von #TheWitcher. #FreyaAllan kann verdammt gut singen!
Und wo wir dabei sind: Ich fand #Season3 absolut in Ordnung. Freue mich, wie’s weitergeht.
Ich hasse es, dass jeder die Serie jetzt schon in Grund und Boden schreibt und #LiamHemsworth sowieso scheiße sein wird. Wartet doch mal ab, meine Fresse…
#TheWitcher #freyaallan #season3 #liamhemsworth
One more thing about #TheWitcher
I do have a few issues and they’re all on the Netflix side of things. From how they’ve handled the show, marketed it, released it, etc. Jusr mishandling all over. You lost Henry Cavil FFS!
But I still love what the actors, writers and crew have tried to do. They clearly care about what they’re doing.
If nothing else, all of this just makes me want to read the books even more.
Season 3, episode 6 of #TheWitcher is more of a season finale or midseason break, not the first episode of the 2nd half of a season. You know?
So far the pacing of this season is not so good. Still enjoyed what I saw. And maybe the rest of the season is still a perverbal landing.