"Why do you make #VideoGames"❓
111 industry icons provide their personal and, at times, astonishing answers in this 2019 mook. 📖
Big thanks to
@pgaultier for the heads up on his fantastic work with
@l1nterview ! ♥️🙏
Check out the collection here:
👉 https://thevideogamelibrary.org/book/l-1nterview-why-do-you-make-video-games
#L1nterview #VideoGameCreators #ShigeruMiyamoto #KarolinaStachyra #TheWitcher3 #WarrenSpector #DeusEx #MurielTramis #GameDev #Halo #Interviews #GamingWorld #GameMakers #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Mario #Zelda
#zelda #mario #bookstodon #Books #book #gamemakers #gamingworld #interviews #halo #GameDev #murieltramis #deusex #WarrenSpector #TheWitcher3 #karolinastachyra #shigerumiyamoto #videogamecreators #l1nterview #videogames
#Sunday morning spent #Stitching and watching #TheWitcher3
Finally caught up with #FloralDoodleSal designed by #CarolynManning for #LakesideNeedlecraft 3 more parts of this SAL to go, due to finish mid September.
Today is made for lots of relaxation, I've got a very long day tomorrow, so today is for #CrossStitch #Netflix #Formula1 #FamilyTime and #GoodFood
Happy Sunday everyone, spread some magic everywhere you go!
#goodfood #familytime #formula1 #Netflix #crossstitch #lakesideneedlecraft #carolynmanning #floraldoodlesal #TheWitcher3 #stitching #sunday
Mit dem Update auf Version 4.04 erhält die #NintendoSwitch-Version von #TheWitcher3 neue Inhalte, die an die gleichnamige Netflix-Serie angelehnt sind. Mit dabei ist auch ein lange gewünschtes Feature für Switch-Fans: https://jpgames.de/2023/07/the-witcher-3-auf-switch-neuer-patch-liefert-endlich-ein-lange-gewuenschtes-feature/
Now watching TheCHUGS (#AEW's #AdamCole) play #TheWitcher3 on #Twitch.
Now also watching Dark0verseer mod/dev or play #GTAV on #Twitch.
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#GTAV #Twitch #TheWitcher3 #adamcole #aew
Ihr seid Fans von #TheWitcher3 und Figuren sammelt ihr auch gern? Dann könnte die neue Kreation des Prime 1 Studio etwas für euch sein. Im Zuge der „Museum Masterline“-Serie widmete man nun nämlich der Magierin Yennefer von Vengerberg eine eigene Figur. https://jpgames.de/2023/06/the-witcher-3-prime-1-studio-verewigt-yennefer-zum-saftigen-preis-als-figur/
I might be the only person on the planet, but I really think #TheWitcher2 was the better game compared to #TheWitcher3.
After 105 hours and all DLC quests completed I finished my #PS5 replay of #TheWitcher3. Just the best game ever.
Whether played on the exotic felt tabletop in a palatial casino, or on the rough-hewn bar in a tavern's smoky din, the game of #Gwent is never a dull one.
Check out this artbook featuring the gorgeous card art from the game.
#TheWitcher #Artist #Art #TheWitcher2 #TheWitcherII #TheWitcher3 #TheWitcherIII #WildHunt #Artbook #Gaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #PC #PCGaming #Xbox #PlayStation #CardGame #Cards #RPG #CardArt #CDProjektRed
#cdprojektred #cardart #RPG #cards #cardgame #Playstation #xbox #pcgaming #pc #bookstodon #Books #book #videogames #videogame #Gaming #artbook #wildhunt #thewitcheriii #TheWitcher3 #thewitcherii #thewitcher2 #Art #Artist #TheWitcher #gwent
Now watching TheCHUGS (#AEW's #AdamCole) play #TheWitcher3 on #Twitch.
Now also watching Zentreya play #MetroidPrimeRemastered on #Twitch.
Now also watching Magic play #MagicTheGathering on #Twitch.
Now also watching Dark0verseer mod/dev or play #GTAV on #Twitch.
(1 of 3)
#GTAV #magicthegathering #metroidprimeremastered #Twitch #TheWitcher3 #adamcole #aew
The Witcher 3 is getting a physical release for next-gen consoles next week
https://www.destructoid.com/the-witcher-3-is-getting-a-physical-release-for-next-gen-consoles-next-week/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-witcher-3-is-getting-a-physical-release-for-next-gen-consoles-next-week #TheWitcher3:WildHunt #physicaledition #PlayStation5 #XboxSeriesX #nextgen #News
#TheWitcher3 #physicaledition #playstation5 #XboxSeriesX #nextgen #News
Petite pause en ce dernier jour de vacances, on va retourner à #TheWitcher3
ET demain c'est la reprise des préparations, corrections et dossiers...
A newer entry to #TheVideoGameLibrary:
"Grimmin saduista Controliin" is a #Finnish game study that sheds light on the relationship between literature and #VideoGames by examining #Games based on #Books or #Book series. 🇫🇮
#GameStudies #AlanWake #Control #DarkSouls #Dune #MaxPayne #Metamorphosis #Runo #SpecOps #SpecOpsTheLine #TheWitcher #TheWitcher2 #TheWitcher3 #TheWolfAmongUs #Gaming #VideoGame #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Videopelit #Videopeli #Remedy #Jalava #Essay
#essay #jalava #remedy #videopeli #videopelit #bookstodon #videogame #Gaming #thewolfamongus #TheWitcher3 #thewitcher2 #TheWitcher #SpecOpsTheLine #specops #runo #metamorphosis #maxpayne #Dune #darksouls #control #alanwake #gamestudies #book #Books #Games #videogames #Finnish #thevideogamelibrary
🇬🇧 OK, the coding app for iPad found, child is sleeping, beer is opened, I don't think I'll fool around anymore and I'm just going to rest and play #TheWitcher3 on #NintendoSwitch, because everyone have to rest sometimes 😉
🇵🇱 OK, aplikacja do kodowania na iPadzie znaleziona, dziecko śpi, piwko otworzone to już chyba nie będę się wygłupiał i po prostu idę odpocząć i pograć w #Wiedźmin3 na #NintendoSwitch, bo odpoczywać też trzeba 😉
#wiedzmin3 #NintendoSwitch #TheWitcher3
🇬🇧 Just finished playing #TheWitcher3 #HeartsOfStone on #NintendoSwitch and now is time for the second extension #BloodAndWine 😉
🇵🇱 #Wiedźmin3 #SerceZKamienia ograny teraz pora na drugi dodatek #KrewiWino 😉
#krewiwino #sercezkamienia #wiedzmin3 #bloodandwine #NintendoSwitch #heartsofstone #TheWitcher3
🇬🇧 Just finished playing #TheWitcher3 #HeartsOfStone on #NintendoSwitch and now is time for the second extension #BloodAndWine 😉
🇵🇱 #Wiedźmin3 #SerceZKamienia ograny teraz pora na drugi dodatek #KrewiWino 😉
#krewiwino #sercezkamienia #wiedzmin3 #bloodandwine #NintendoSwitch #heartsofstone #TheWitcher3
This update to #TheWitcher3 is awesome! The game looks so much better! Awesome job #CDPROJEKTRED I’m very happy with this free update! You are killing it with amazing updates! First #Cyberpunk2077 and now this! #HappyCustomer #LifeLongCustomer #TheWitcher3NextGen #Xbox
#TheWitcher3 #cdprojektred #cyberpunk2077 #happycustomer #lifelongcustomer #thewitcher3nextgen #xbox
🇬🇧 Ok I’m done masturbating for an article in Forbes 😂 It’s time to play some #TheWitcher3 on #NintendoSwitch! Tomorrow I have a day off, because of child’s visit to the doctor, so I can go a little crazy 😉
🇵🇱 Ok skończyłem się masturbować do artykułu w Forbes 😂 Pora pograć trochę w #TheWitcher3 na #NintendoSwitch! Jutro wolne z okazji wizyty dziecka u lekarza, więc można trochę zaszaleć 😉