Well, I finally watched #TheWitcherBloodOrigin, and MAN OH MAN, whoever decided to compress the original six episodes into the four that we ended up with owes an apology to everybody else in the production for gutting it.
4 episodes was clearly insufficient space to explore a lot of what would have been required to explain that. Likewise almost any of the different worlds being explored. There feels like a lot of lore here from which an interesting story *could* have been crafted. But ultimately wasn’t. And as such the whole show comes off more like an obligation of content to be delivered than any kind of truly worthwhile story to be told. Disappointing. #TheWitcherBloodOrigin
The Witcher Blood Origin may be bookended by familiar elements from the main series, but it lacks any of the humour or drive of it. It’s High Fantasy, trying to tell a story in a world which it fatally fails to explain or build sufficiently in the mind if the viewer. And the characters (while played by genuinely talented actors) are never made compelling enough nor given room enough to allow the viewer to become sufficiently familiar with them in 4 episodes. #TheWitcherBloodOrigin
RT @FilmsdeLover@twitter.com
Le #NetflixAndChiffres du jour est là !
> #GlassOnionKnivesOut fait le 3ème meilleur démarrage de 2022.
> #EmilyInParisSeason3 part sur les mêmes bases que la S2.
> #TheWitcherBloodOrigin commence faiblement. https://open.substack.com/pub/netflixandchiffres/p/glass-onion-fait-un-tres-beau-lancement?utm_source=direct&r=1g05vh&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FilmsdeLover/status/1608020183414718464
#NetflixAndChiffres #glassonionknivesout #emilyinparisseason3 #TheWitcherBloodOrigin
The Lark.
Really enjoying #TheWitcherBloodOrigin ! A shame it's only 4 episodes.
#TheWitcherBloodOrigin #bloodorigin #thewitcher #fanart #elf
I regret to inform you, but #TheWitcherBloodOrigin is bad. Really bad.
The only good things were the fight choreography and cinematography, and that is mainly due to the fights being coherent and mostly easy to follow, rather than a quick edit fast cut confusing mess.
Otherwise, the story did not take the time to develop the characters and was instead a rushed, poorly executed mishmash of tropes with only the barest passing nod to any established Witcher lore (with the sole exception of leaning heavily on the lore from the TV series which diverges from that of the games and books).
Watch if you are extremely bored and set your expectations really really low. Otherwise, feel free to give it a miss.
Thanks to this mini-series, I do not have any high hopes for #TheWitcher season 3. 🤷
#TheWitcherBloodOrigin #thewitcher
Started watching #TheWitcherBloodOrigin on #Netflix and ended up binging it 😲
#TheWitcherBloodOrigin #netflix
Throw a coin to your... #TheWitcherBloodOrigin #thewitcher #trailer I can't wait.
The Witcher: Blood Origin - Teaser Trailer Reaction https://youtu.be/3rgYSNjDCgY
#TheWitcherBloodOrigin #TheWitcher #trailer