We’ve had a restock of R Talsorian Games products today, including the #CyberpunkRed Jumpstart Kit, Tales of the Red, the Netrunning Deck and everything we were missing for #TheWitcherRPG: https://shinygames.uk/product-tag/recent-restocks/?orderby=date
Übermorgen ist einfach schön mein erster actuel gameplay stream. Gleichzeitig freu ich mich tierisch und bin nervös wie sonst was. 😱
#pnpde #witcherTTRPG #TheWitcherRPG #twitchgermany
#pnpde #witcherttrpg #TheWitcherRPG #twitchgermany
My new #HobbyStreak continues on #HobbyStreakDay2 with 44 minutes cleaning up these #TheWitcherRPG miniatures and putting them on bases. Not sure whether to start painting these and the ducks next or try to finish off some older projects first.
#Hobbystreak #hobbystreakday2 #TheWitcherRPG
Oh, a lot of franchises that people like to "translate" to D&D already have their own official RPGs. They vary in quantity, but there's usually some effort to make the system fit the fiction, rather than trying to wrap the frayed hide of the fiction around the system.
#DresdenFilesRPG ; #MarvelSuperheroes (FASERIP) #MarvelHeroicRoleplaying ;
#Avatar the Last Airbender ; #TerminatorRPG ; #DragonAge ; #TheWitcherRPG ; #CallofCthulhu ;
#dresdenfilesrpg #MarvelSuperHeroes #marvelheroicroleplaying #avatar #terminatorrpg #dragonage #TheWitcherRPG #callofcthulhu
Die 5 von mir zuletzt gespielten Pen and Paper Systeme: - #SavageWorlds - #Hexxen1733 - #Mythras - #Fate - #Conan2d20 und die 5 Systeme, die ich derzeit gern spielen würde: - #GameOfThronesRollenspiel - #Pathfinde2e - #TheWitcherRPG - #AgainstTheDarkmaster - #DieVerbotenenLande
Obwohl letztere Liste noch um einiges länger sein könnte xD
#savageworlds #Hexxen1733 #Mythras #fate #Conan2d20 #GameOfThronesRollenspiel #Pathfinde2e #TheWitcherRPG #AgainstTheDarkmaster #DieVerbotenenLande
Last 5 Played:
Hope to Play:
#ttrpg #5and5 #startrekadventures #MechWarriorDestiny #OrbitalBlues #runequest #numenera #vulcania #TheWitcherRPG #CyberpunkRED #wrathandglory #HeavyGearRPG